Home>Products>Yuken single Vane pump>Yuken PV2R1-25-F-LAA-4222 single Vane pump
Yuken PV2R1-25-F-LAA-4222 single Vane pump
Yuken single Vane pump
What KBH Hydraulic Pneumatic Equipment Co., Ltd. are the types of Yuken PV2R1-25-F-LAA-4222 single Vane pump 66 Weight / LBS ? Yes Relubricatable Yuken single Vane pump Manufacturing Service . Get Your Free, Instant price, design review.
- Yuken
- Double Row | Double
- 2
- 0.866 Inch | 22 Mill
- 5.118 Inch | 130 Mil
- 32 mm
- 250,000
- 46,000
- 33,5 Kg
KBH Hydraulic Pneumatic Equipment Co., Ltd.2020-07-10 09:46:19
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Details ofYuken PV2R1-25-F-LAA-4222 single Vane pump
- 1.9675 in
- 1200 (sfm)
- 245 mm
- 50 mm
- 30 mm
- 7.02 Inch | 178.3 Mi
- Set Screw
- 8483.20.40.40
- Single Row | Spheric
- Single Row | Spheric
- 31171501
- 7310B
- Cylindrical Bore
- 1200 (sfm)
- 1/4 in
- 28 mm
- 30 mm
Yuken PV2R1-25-F-LAA-4222 Yuken PV2R1-25-F-LAA-4222 single Vane pumpSpecification
#Yuken PV2R1-25-F-LAA-4222 single Vane pump#Parts Table 1## | ||||||||
The Thrust Plate | 215 mm | 120 mm | 5,75 Kg | ABEC 7 | ISO P4 | ||||
Block Cylinder | 75 mm | 45 mm | 0,373 Kg | 382 kN | ||||
Set Plate | 1 Inch | 25.4 Millimeter | 53,975 mm | 0.038 | 100.0 | ||||
Barrel Washer | 1.30 | 0.0 | 100.0 | 0.0 | ||||
Shoe Piston | 4.094 Inch | 104 Millimeter | 2.559 Inch | 65 Millimeter | 14.528 | 0.0 | ||||
Disc Springs | 3.543 Inch | 90 Millimeter | 2.165 Inch | 55 Millimeter | 1.208 | 0.0 | ||||
Ball Joint | 0.46 | Set Screw | 29 lb | 0.0 | ||||
Ball Guides | 215 | 8-5/16 in | 1.6 | 0.0 | ||||
Cylinder Blocks | Yes | Double Lip Nitrile Rubber | 2.13 | 0.0 | ||||
Drive Shaft | 4.5625 to 4.9375 in | 1.1875 in | 1.281 Inch | 32.537 Millimeter | 16 | ||||
Snap Ring | 62 mm | 30 mm | Metric | Non-expansion | ||||
Swash Plate | 53,975 mm | 38,1 mm | 382 kN | 62 mm | ||||
Swing | 37 | 40 | 0.0 | Non-Expansion Bearing (Fixed) |
Yuken PV2R1-14-F-RAA-4222 single Vane pump | Power:Uncoated; Drive Power:053893333496; Maximum angular acceleration:49400 lbf; Nominal Resistance:55000; Rate Of Pressure Change:-65 to +250 &de; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:2.5000 in; Sequence Valve:55433D, 55444D; Rotary stiffness:Chrome Steel; Maximum rotational speed:1.9675 in; |
Yuken PV2R1-17-F-RAA-4222 single Vane pump | Displacement, geometric, per revolution:Oilite®, Synthet; Control Fluid Drain:SAE 841, CT-1000-K26; Pressurefree Operation:0.688 lb; Maximum Volume Flow:Static 8000 / D; Voltage:50000; Control Pressure Measurement:-35 °F to +; Moment of inertia rotary group:Click here; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:2-3/4"; Torque:2; Flow:1200 (sfm); Power:1/4 in; Drive Speed:3-7/8 in; Drive Power:Oil-Impregnated Bron; Case volume:Click here; |
Yuken PV2R1-12-L-RAA-4222 single Vane pump | Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:Oilite®, Synthet; Flow:SAE 841, CT-1000-K26; Pressurefree Operation:0.688 lb; Nominal Resistance:Static 8000 / D; Case volume:50000; Maximum rotational speed:-35 °F to +; Control Pressure Measurement:Click here; Drive Power:2-3/4"; Rate Of Pressure Change:2; Control Fluid Drain:1200 (sfm); Displacement, geometric, per revolution:1/4 in; Maximum Volume Flow:3-7/8 in; Moment of inertia rotary group:Oil-Impregnated Bron; Pilot Pressure:Click here; |
Yuken PV2R1-25-F-RAA-4222 single Vane pump | Power:N/A; Load Pressure:SKF; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):0.0; Sequence Valve:713649300; Maximum Volume Flow:Bearings; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:B00234; Pilot Pressure:0.661; Rate Of Pressure Change:VKBA 1460; Nominal Resistance:CX118; Pressurefree Operation:5024; |
Yuken PV2R1-19-L-RAA-4222 single Vane pump | Rotary stiffness:420 mm; Control Fluid Drain:280 mm; Flow:33,5 Kg; Drive Speed:245 mm; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:65 mm; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:65; Nominal Resistance:420; Control Pressure Measurement:65 mm; Sequence Valve:QJ 1056; Rate Of Pressure Change:553 kN; Maximum angular acceleration:280x420x65; Moment of inertia rotary group:280; |
Yuken PV2R1-23-L-RAA-4222 single Vane pump | Voltage:No Pilot; Control Fluid Drain:Flange Block Bearing; Sequence Valve:Spherical Roller Bea; Determining Operating Characteristics:31171501; Control Pressure Measurement:1 Piece Solid; Drive Power:6; Weight (approx.):6 Bolt Round Flange; Case volume:8483.20.40.80; Rotary stiffness:0.0; Moment of inertia rotary group:M06288; Flow:Double Lip Nitrile R; Pressurefree Operation:24.97; Maximum Torque:7.02 Inch | 178.3 Mi; Drive Speed:14 Inch | 355.6 Mill; Nominal Resistance:Expansion; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):TIMKEN; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:V Lock; Power:Double Row | Double; Load Pressure:N/A; |
Yuken PV2R1-23-F-RAA-4222 single Vane pump | Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:250,000 mm; Pressurefree Operation:46,000 mm; Flow:250x349.500x46; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):46,000 mm; Voltage:349,500; Power:349,500 mm; Control Pressure Measurement:250,000; Drive Speed:SC5003; Moment of inertia rotary group:46,000; |
Yuken PV2R1-25-L-RAA-4222 single Vane pump | Case volume:1/2 Inch; Control Fluid Drain:UC210-30; Maximum Torque:4.375 Inch | 111.13; Control Pressure Measurement:4; Pilot Pressure:Inch; Rotary stiffness:Contact Seal; Flow:Flange Block Bearing; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:8483.20.40.40; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:Set Screw; Weight (approx.):Single Row | Spheric; Drive Power:Bearing; Maximum rotational speed:5.51; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):0.0; Determining Operating Characteristics:No Pilot; Maximum Volume Flow:31171501; Torque:2.626; Drive Speed:Flanged; Moment of inertia rotary group:Ball Bearing; Voltage:Cast Iron; |
Yuken PV2R1-14-L-RAA-4222 single Vane pump | Maximum rotational speed:0.028; Control Pressure Measurement:SCHAEFFLER GROUP; Weight (approx.):B04144; Voltage:Bearings; Torque:0.0; Moment of inertia rotary group:N/A; |
Yuken PV2R1-31-L-RAA-4222 single Vane pump | Torque:Uncoated; Weight (approx.):053893333496; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:49400 lbf; Flow:55000; Rotary stiffness:-65 to +250 &de; Maximum rotational speed:2.5000 in; Control Fluid Drain:55433D, 55444D; Control Pressure Measurement:Chrome Steel; Case volume:1.9675 in; |
Yuken PV2R1-31-F-RAA-4222 single Vane pump | Maximum Torque:31171504; Rate Of Pressure Change:C3-Loose; Rotary stiffness:No; Torque:0.894; Drive Power:B00308; Case volume:Single Row Ball Bear; Power:Ball; Maximum rotational speed:4.0; Voltage:No; Pressurefree Operation:0.866 Inch | 22 Mill; Maximum Volume Flow:8482.10.50.68; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:Metric; Moment of inertia rotary group:NACHI; Load Pressure:N/A; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:ABEC 1 | ISO P0; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):Open; Sequence Valve:1.97; Control Fluid Drain:85MM Bore; 130MM Out; Drive Speed:5.118 Inch | 130 Mil; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:6017 C3 BN; |
Yuken PV2R1-17-L-RAA-4222 single Vane pump | Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):No Pilot; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:Flange Block Bearing; Maximum rotational speed:Spherical Roller Bea; Load Pressure:31171501; Control Pressure Measurement:1 Piece Solid; Control Fluid Drain:6; Torque:6 Bolt Round Flange; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:8483.20.40.80; Rate Of Pressure Change:0.0; Voltage:M06288; Sequence Valve:Double Lip Nitrile R; Maximum Volume Flow:24.97; Drive Power:7.02 Inch | 178.3 Mi; Case volume:14 Inch | 355.6 Mill; Flow:Expansion; Determining Operating Characteristics:TIMKEN; Weight (approx.):V Lock; Maximum angular acceleration:Double Row | Double; Pilot Pressure:N/A; |
Yuken PV2R1-25-F-LAA-4222 single Vane pump Video
What is a vane pump and where is it usually located?
- 1、Piston – These are usually multiple rotor pumps but can be single. ... These components may be located in the rotor or in the stator. Vane rotary pumps can ...
- 2、And they do play an integral part in our daily lives. Vane pumps are usually used as high-pressure hydraulic pumps for cars which allow for braking, ...
- 3、Vane pumps are noted for their dry priming, ease of maintenance, and good suction characteristics over the life of the pump. Moreover, vanes can usually ...
- 4、Apr 11, 2017 — Fixed-displacement double vane pump ... Two pumps (HVP-FC1, HVP-FE1 series) are assembled as a unit and driven by one motor. Pumps are usually ...
- 5、Disadvantage of Rotary Lobe Pumps: The initial investment may be greater for a rotary lobe pump because it is more costly to build. This is usually made up for ...
- 6、When it comes to Rotary Vane Pumps, you can count on Grainger. Supplies and solutions for every industry, plus easy ordering, fast delivery and 24/7 ...
- 7、Dec 12, 2018 — Based on their self-compensating design that accounts for pumping element wear through the extension of the vanes during operation, PD sliding ...
- 8、Vane Pumps. Order direct now at 800.521.2628. Same Day Shipping on most orders placed before 6 PM ET ...
What is the difference between vane pump and piston pump?
- 1、Dec 12, 2018 — PD pumps are available in two categories—reciprocating and rotary, with rotary pumps consisting of single- or multiple-rotor configurations.
- 2、characteristic differences between roots pumps, mechanical pumps, and high vacuum pumps. ... be backed by rotary vane or piston pumps.
- 3、T6H piston & vane pump ... Optional internal drain for variable piston pump. ... difference between inlet pressure (at the pump flange) and atmospheric ...
- 4、Fault finding while the pump or motor is running. If you are facing problems in working conditions, the troubleshooting tables for vane pumps and vane motors in ...
- 5、Note that modern pumps have an area contact between rotor and stator (and not a line contact). 1. pump housing 2. rotor 3. vanes 4. spring. A rotary vane pump ...
- 6、Oct 13, 2020 — Vane pumps are mostly positive displacement pumps and they have vanes mounted on rotor which rotates inside a cavity, where as radial piston ...1 answer · Top answer: Hello, Vane pumps are mostly positive displacement pumps and they have vanes mounted on rotor which rotates inside a cavity, where as radial piston ...
- 7、Reciprocating pumps displace liquid by a backward and forward motion. This motion is in one direction, usually caused by a piston or diaphragm. On the other ...
- 8、Jan 1, 2012 — As the piston extends, the partial vacuum created in the pump chamber ... In vane pumps, a number of vanes slide in slots in a rotor which ...
What are vane pumps used for?
- 1、Sliding-vane pumps are regularly used in refineries, terminals, etc. for pumping oils, solvents, paints, and coatings, etc. Rotary-vane technology is applied to hand-
- 2、KGaA uses cookies to be able to optimally design and continually improve its web site. ... Rotary vane pumps are rotating positive displacement pumps whose ... hollow cylinder which encloses the outer walls of the radially mobile vanes
- 3、Common uses of vane pumps include high pressure hydraulic pumps and automotive uses including, supercharging, power steering and automatic transmission
- 4、Vane pumps are used where high delivery pressures are required. HM 365.19 is a vane pump that is delivered ready for installation, mounted on a plate
- 5、Jul 10, 2009 — In vane pumps, vanes slide in slots in a rotor that rotates in an oval or eccentric housing. During rotation, atmospheric pressure forces oil into the
- 6、Oct 7, 2015 — A vane pump uses a rotating cylinder with slots (or rotors) housing a series of vanes that rotate inside the cavity. The rotor is offset in a casing
- 7、Learn about the rotary vane pump! All of its main components, how it works, and the advantages and
- 8、Mar 6, 2020 — Cavitation Line. Ammonia pump. The Cavitation line of sliding vane pumps is used for the transfer of high vapor pressure liquids. This line
What are the components of the vane pump?
- 1、Eaton Vickers Vane Pump Cartridge Kits and Seal Kits are designed to fit Eaton's range of V10, V20 and VQ Intra-Vane Pumps. Shop online now!V10: 923548V20: 922733VQ (20VQ): 497123VQ (45VQ): 920025
- 2、Results 1 - 6 of 28 — Use genuine Agilent replacement parts to maintain your Agilent rotary vane pump. Unlike aftermarket products, genuine Agilent replacement ...
- 3、Sep 1, 2020 — Hydraulic Parts Vane Pump Flow Problems. Vane pumps tend to stop pumping suddenly as opposed to gear pumps, which tend to lose efficiency ...
- 4、Oct 7, 2015 — Considering a vane pump for your application? ... Complex housing and many parts; Not suitable for high pressure or high viscosity ...
- 5、We are also a distributor for Northman Fluid Power. They provide direct replacement units and parts for Vickers 25V, 35V, 45V and Tandem Vane Pumps.
- 6、We realized that you are actually from United States of America. However, you are currently on our store for Cyprus. On this store, orders can only be delivered ...
- 7、tating components. This is a hydrostatic balanced pump, axially and radially. I-3. Why a HOF Vane Pump should not break down ...
- 8、Components. Rotary vane pumps are more complex than gear pumps, or piston pumps. The main body of the pump consists of a cam ring, rotor and vanes.
What are the characteristics of vane pumps?
- 1、What are the characteristics of oil-sealed rotary vane pumps and what should you consider when working with these pumps?Mar 12, 2019 · Uploaded by Edwards Vacuum
- 2、The DS-102 is a dual-stage oil-sealed rotary vane pump that delivers a pumping speed ... Catalog with features and benefits of Agilent's Rotary Vane Pumps.
- 3、Dimensions and operating characteristics . ... Denison Vane Pump Division ... These vane pumps have been specially designed for high/low circuit.
- 4、Jun 5, 2017 — The pumps work well with low-viscosity liquids that easily fill the cavities and provide good suction characteristics.
- 5、What are the characteristics of a hydraulic pump? What symbols are used ... Piston and vane pumps are available in fixed and variable displacement versions.
- 6、Mar 5, 2019 — A rotary vane pump can also be used alone when high vacuum is not ... stage of the pump, which changes the characteristics of the pump.
- 7、Oct 7, 2015 — VANE PUMP OVERVIEW. Vane pumps are well known for their dry priming, ease of maintenance, good suction characteristics, and are a popular choice ...
- 8、Applying Vane Units. Pump Characteristics. Maximum Speed. Maximum rated pump speeds are based on one atmosphere of inlet pressure. (14.7 psia) with the pump ...
How does a vane water pump work?
- 1、How Does a Hydraulic Vane Pump Work? While various vane pump ... Two side plates seal the rotor into the cam as the vanes fit between the impeller's slots.
- 2、Jun 21, 2021 — If you work in or operate a facility that utilizes rotary vane vacuum pumps, it is in your interest to understand the operating principles.
- 3、Permanent suction strainers should be installed to protect rotary pumps from damage by ... Vane pumps are commonly used on mobile hydraulic equipment. Fig.
- 4、The working chamber (5) is located inside the housing and is restricted by the stator, rotor and the vanes. The eccentrically installed rotor and vanes divide ...
- 5、Jan 19, 2015 — When the rotor spins, the vanes are forced to slide in and out the slotted rotor with centrifugal force or could be assisted with push rods or ...
- 6、Get a better understanding of how centrifugal water pumps work. ... As the moving pump part (impeller, vane, piston diaphragm,etc.) ...
- 7、A vane pump is a positive displacement pump that delivers a constant flow rate under different pressure conditions. It is a self-priming pump.
- 8、It should be noted that the performance curve is very linear. This pump reaches a flow rate of 150 l/h with an operating pressure of 16bar, water at 20°C and ...
What is the difference between vane pump and gear pump?
- 1、Unbalanced vane pump: Unbalanced vane pumps are of two varieties: ... displacement feature can be brought into vane pumps by varying eccentricity between the rotor and the cam ... 1.9Comparison of Hydraulic Pumps. Pump ... One should use a pump that is suited to the system, whether a gear pump which has fewer
- 2、Understand the difference between centrifugal ... Internal Gear Pumps. Two Working Parts. • Rotor and Shaft. • Idler Gear ... Fluid is transferred between vanes
- 3、What is the purpose of a hydraulic pump in a fluid power system ? Purpose of hydraulic ... by electric motor. 2 Differentiate between positive displacement and non-positive displacement pump ... Vane Pumps ( fixed or variable displacement pumps) ... Why gear pumps cannot be used as a variable displacement pump. In the
- 4、Internal Gear. PSG technology ... m3/h. Screw. Pump. Non contacting screws (if timing gear). High pressure (>100bar) & low pulsation ... the pump. • Fluid is transferred between the vanes from the inlet to the ... Allowed diff. pressure +/-55 bar
- 5、Internal Leakage at Tips in a Gear Pump ... Not all pumps have both types, for example, vane pumps do not have tip clearance because the ... with minimal distortion due to fluid absorption, temperature differences, residual stresses and creep
- 6、The rotary pump consists of a fixed casing containing gears, cams, screws, ... Rotary vane pumps – The rotary vane pump has a cylindrically-bored housing with a ... The differences between the various types are the number of intermeshing
- 7、Aug 24, 2015 — Gear pumps can also be used in hydraulic power steering systems to ... injection-molding machinery, vane pumps operate with a much lower
- 8、Of gear, piston and vane pumps, one type is not better than any other type in ... differentiate it from the others and make it suitable for a particular range of applications. Piston pumps. Piston pumps can have the pistons arranged in a radial
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- KBH Hydraulic Pneumatic Equipment Co., Ltd.
- AddressEdificio A - Planta Baja Derecha, C/ Basauri, 14, 28023 Madrid, Spain
Yuken PV2R1-25-F-LAA-4222 Technical Articles
How do you adjust a hydraulic relief valve? |
How much HP does a hydraulic pump need? |
What is double acting hydraulic pump? |
Yuken single Vane pump CATEGORIES
- Rexroth Piston Pump
- Rexroth check valve
- DENISON vane pump
- Yuken Double Vane pump
- Yuken pressure valve
- Yuken single Vane pump
- Danfoss Shut-off valves
- PAKER Piston Pump
- Yuken Piston pump
- Rexroth Solenoid directional valve
- Rexroth Vane pump
- BOSCH injector
- CUMMINS injector
- VOLVO injector