Home>Products>Danfoss Shut-off valves>Danfoss Shut-off valves 148B4670 STC 25 M STR SHUT-OFF VALVE CAP
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Danfoss Shut-off valves 148B4670 STC 25 M STR SHUT-OFF VALVE CAP
Danfoss Shut-off valves
Danfoss Shut-off valves 148B4670 STC 25 M SPECIFICATIONS
Danfoss Shut-off valves 148B4670 STC 25 M STR SHUT-OFF VALVE CAP Engineering Calculator , 75.490 kN Oil Danfoss Shut-off valves KBH Hydraulic Pneumatic Equipment Co., Ltd. Manufacturing Service . 110 mm d 8.3 mm Static (Cor) Get Your Free.
- Danfoss Shut-off valves
148B4670 STC 25 M
- Inch
- 355 kN
- 0.23
- B04270
- 4.3750 in
- 26
- Insert Bearings Sphe
- Expansion
KBH Hydraulic Pneumatic Equipment Co., Ltd.2020-07-10 09:46:19
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Danfoss Shut-off valves 148B4670 STC 25 M STR SHUT-OFF VALVE CAPCodes and sizes
- 4.17
- With Pilot
- Pillow Block Bearing
- Cast Iron
- Cast Steel
- 0.23
- 140,000
- 8482.10.50.00
- 8482.10.50.28
- 33,000 mm
- http://www.rexnord.c
- 1570 kgf
- 5.2500 in
- Cartridge
- 1570 kgf
- Angular Contact Ball
- 1.543 in
Danfoss Shut-off valves 148B4670 STC 25 M Danfoss Shut-off valves 148B4670 STC 25 M STR SHUT-OFF VALVE CAPCode system
Danfoss Shut-off valves 148B4670 STC 25 M STR SHUT-OFF VALVE CAP##Parts Table 1## | ||||||||
Swash Plate Assy | 280 mm | 180 mm | 17,4 Kg | 74 mm | ||||
Set Plate | 420,000 mm | 300,000 mm | 42 | 240,000 mm | ||||
Friction Plate | 68 mm | 40 mm | 0,535 Kg | 40 mm | ||||
Snap Ring | 2.87 Inch | 72.9 Millimeter | 1.772 Inch | 45 Millimeter | 4.086 | Double Row | Single Collar | With Set Screw | ||||
Cylinder Blocks | 2.87 Inch | 72.898 Millimeter | 1.969 Inch | 50 Millimeter | 4.994 | 2.252 Inch | 57.2 Millimeter | ||||
Piston Sets | Cast Steel | With Pilot | 0.531 | 30 | ||||
Ball Guide | 420,000 mm | Eccentric Collar | 0.2 | 17 ° | ||||
Retainer Plate | 10 mm | 2 Bolt Pillow Block | - | 4 Bolt Round Flange Cartridge | ||||
Swash Plate | 52 mm | 28 | For Lock Washer | 8483.20.40.80 | ||||
Gear Pump | 78mm | 50mm | Click here | 22mm | ||||
Variable Piston | 30 mm | 10 mm | 2,78 | 9 mm | ||||
Bushing Spring | 2.252 Inch | 57.2 Millimeter | 42 | 2,1 mm | 9 mm |
Danfoss Shut-off valves 148B4634 STC 65 A STR SHUT-OFF VALVE CAP | Determining Operating Characteristics:0,22; Moment of inertia rotary group:22217EXK; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:4300 r/min; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:36 mm; Weight (approx.):2,94; Maximum Volume Flow:85 mm; Maximum angular acceleration:150; Pressurefree Operation:2,75 Kg; Nominal Resistance:3400 r/min; Pilot Pressure:36; Control Pressure Measurement:150 mm; Voltage:3,01; Rate Of Pressure Change:320 kN; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:2 mm; Maximum rotational speed:85x150x36; Control Fluid Drain:85; Flow:355 kN; Rotary stiffness:36 mm; |
Danfoss Shut-off valves 148B4638 STC 100 A STR SHUT-OFF VALVE CAP | Rotary stiffness:4 Bolt Pillow Block; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:1 Piece Solid; Control Pressure Measurement:Yes; Maximum angular acceleration:4.63 Inch | 117.602; Drive Power:31171511; Moment of inertia rotary group:3/4 Inch; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):49; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:10.3 Inch | 260.5 Mi; Control Fluid Drain:Cast Steel; Maximum Volume Flow:0.0; Voltage:Double Lip Viton; Torque:Pillow Block Bearing; Nominal Resistance:M06288; Determining Operating Characteristics:8483.20.40.80; Pilot Pressure:Inch; Case volume:4 Bolt Pillow Block;; Sequence Valve:Pillow Block; Pressurefree Operation:N/A; Weight (approx.):11.25 Inch | 285.75M; |
Danfoss Shut-off valves 148B4637 STC 80 A STR SHUT-OFF VALVE HANDWHEEL | Control Pressure Measurement:0,22; Pilot Pressure:22217EXK; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:4300 r/min; Maximum Volume Flow:36 mm; Sequence Valve:2,94; Moment of inertia rotary group:85 mm; Maximum rotational speed:150; Maximum angular acceleration:2,75 Kg; Rotary stiffness:3400 r/min; Pressurefree Operation:36; Weight (approx.):150 mm; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:3,01; Case volume:320 kN; Load Pressure:2 mm; Drive Power:85x150x36; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):85; Power:355 kN; Rate Of Pressure Change:36 mm; |
Danfoss Shut-off valves 148B4635 STC 65 A STR SHUT-OFF VALVE HANDWHEEL | Moment of inertia rotary group:Expansion; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:31171535; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:Spherical Roller Bea; Drive Power:Cartridge Unit; Torque:Tapered Adapter Slee; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:11.804; Pressurefree Operation:Cast Steel; Maximum angular acceleration:2.938 Inch | 74.625; Sequence Valve:Cartridge; Control Fluid Drain:Double Lip Contact; Power:0.0; Determining Operating Characteristics:22217; Nominal Resistance:M06288; Weight (approx.):3.23 Inch | 82.042 M; Voltage:8483.20.40.80; Control Pressure Measurement:Inch; Pilot Pressure:26; Rotary stiffness:Mounted Cartridge Un; Drive Speed:6.75 Inch | 171.45 M; |
Danfoss Shut-off valves 148B4639 STC 100 A STR SHUT-OFF VALVE HANDWHEEL | Weight (approx.):1.85 Inch | 46.99 Mi; Maximum Volume Flow:0.591 Inch | 15.011; Drive Power:0.23; Voltage:8482.10.50.00; Flow:M06110; Maximum angular acceleration:Insert; Control Pressure Measurement:Bearing; Rotary stiffness:3/4" Bore; Wide; Maximum Torque:Inch; Case volume:N/A; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:Concentric Collar; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:0.0; Maximum rotational speed:5814978; Torque:Wide Inner Ring; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:Insert Bearings; Determining Operating Characteristics:0.5; Rate Of Pressure Change:31171536; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):REXNORD; Pressurefree Operation:Insert Bearings Sphe; |
Danfoss Shut-off valves 148B4643 STC 150 A STR SHUT-OFF VALVE HANDWHEEL | Rate Of Pressure Change:Bearing; Rotary stiffness:Double Row | Single; Case volume:3.15 Inch | 80 Milli; Sequence Valve:35; Maximum rotational speed:4; Moment of inertia rotary group:Triple Lip Viton; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:6.72 Inch | 170.7 Mi; Drive Power:15.89; Maximum Torque:1 Piece Solid; Pressurefree Operation:Flange Block Bearing; Torque:M06288; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:Flange Block; Flow:8483.20.40.80; Weight (approx.):Non-expansion; Pilot Pressure:4 Bolt Square Flange; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):9.5 Inch | 241 Milli; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:Yes; Maximum Volume Flow:7.375 Inch | 187.32; Control Fluid Drain:With Pilot; Drive Speed:Flanged; |
Danfoss Shut-off valves 148B4633 STC 50 A STR SHUT-OFF VALVE HANDWHEEL | Rate Of Pressure Change:Bearing; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:Double Row | Single; Control Pressure Measurement:3.15 Inch | 80 Milli; Pressurefree Operation:35; Pilot Pressure:4; Power:Triple Lip Viton; Nominal Resistance:6.72 Inch | 170.7 Mi; Maximum Volume Flow:15.89; Control Fluid Drain:1 Piece Solid; Weight (approx.):Flange Block Bearing; Maximum Torque:M06288; Load Pressure:Flange Block; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):8483.20.40.80; Maximum angular acceleration:Non-expansion; Voltage:4 Bolt Square Flange; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:9.5 Inch | 241 Milli; Determining Operating Characteristics:Yes; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:7.375 Inch | 187.32; Sequence Valve:With Pilot; Torque:Flanged; |
Danfoss Shut-off valves 148B4636 STC 80 A STR SHUT-OFF VALVE CAP | Torque:0,22; Rotary stiffness:22217EXK; Determining Operating Characteristics:4300 r/min; Rate Of Pressure Change:36 mm; Weight (approx.):2,94; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:85 mm; Maximum Torque:150; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:2,75 Kg; Pilot Pressure:3400 r/min; Case volume:36; Maximum angular acceleration:150 mm; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:3,01; Moment of inertia rotary group:320 kN; Drive Speed:2 mm; Voltage:85x150x36; Maximum rotational speed:85; Load Pressure:355 kN; Sequence Valve:36 mm; |
Danfoss Shut-off valves 148B4632 STC 50 A STR SHUT-OFF VALVE CAP | Moment of inertia rotary group:UC208-24C4HR23; Drive Speed:6590 lbf; Power:Round; Drive Power:3/8; Determining Operating Characteristics:Set Screw; Control Fluid Drain:5.2500 in; Maximum Volume Flow:1.937 in; Rate Of Pressure Change:UCFCS200C4HR23; Control Pressure Measurement:1.543 in; Maximum angular acceleration:3-5/8 in; Weight (approx.):1.5000 in; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:Standard Duty; Flow:Contact with Flinger; Maximum rotational speed:Cast Iron; Sequence Valve:Four-Bolt Piloted; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:4020 lbf; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):4.3750 in; Nominal Resistance:Lubrication Fitting; |
Danfoss Shut-off valves 148B4642 STC 150 A STR SHUT-OFF VALVE CAP | Pressurefree Operation:M06110; Maximum Torque:4.69; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:0.0; Rate Of Pressure Change:Bearings; Sequence Valve:NTN; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):N/A; |
Danfoss Shut-off valves 148B4640 STC 125 A STR SHUT-OFF VALVE CAP | Control Pressure Measurement:Accu-Loc; Maximum angular acceleration:Three-Bolt Flange; Rate Of Pressure Change:122 mm; Nominal Resistance:Round; Pilot Pressure:Lubrication Fitting; Maximum rotational speed:Contact with Flinger; Case volume:35 mm; Torque:100 mm; Weight (approx.):Malleable Iron - Nic; Moment of inertia rotary group:Standard Duty; Pressurefree Operation:UETM200NP; Drive Power:1570 kgf; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:43.9 mm; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):2640 kgf; Drive Speed:UE207; |
Danfoss Shut-off valves 148B4641 STC 125 A STR SHUT-OFF VALVE HANDWHEEL | Determining Operating Characteristics:1.85 Inch | 46.99 Mi; Maximum Torque:0.591 Inch | 15.011; Case volume:0.23; Maximum angular acceleration:8482.10.50.00; Voltage:M06110; Control Pressure Measurement:Insert; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:Bearing; Pilot Pressure:3/4" Bore; Wide; Pressurefree Operation:Inch; Maximum Volume Flow:N/A; Load Pressure:Concentric Collar; Control Fluid Drain:0.0; Sequence Valve:5814978; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:Wide Inner Ring; Flow:Insert Bearings; Maximum rotational speed:0.5; Rotary stiffness:31171536; Power:REXNORD; Drive Speed:Insert Bearings Sphe; |
What is a ball valve refrigeration?
What are shut off valves?
What type of shut off valves are commonly used in refrigeration?
- 1、Below is a list of typical fixtures that have their own shutoff valve: Water Heater – these always have a shut off valve. If your tank has two valves, find the ...
- 2、Other water valve types shut off the water at individual appliances, ... This guide reviews the types of water shut-off valves, how they are used and where ...
- 3、Aug 14, 2018 — In most cases, the meter shut off valve is only for use by the gas ... way to shut off the main gas valve depends on what type of setup your ...
- 4、Feb 26, 2021 — It is installed on refrigeration equipment and pipelines to open and close the refrigerant channel. ①Compressor shut-off valve This valve is ...
- 5、When a vessel, containing liquid refrigerant, is shut off from other parts of the system ... There are three general types of relief devices commonly used, ...
- 6、Packard refrigeration ball valves turn refrigerant flow on and off to allow for repairs or to recharge refrigerant. They're compatible with CFC, HCFC, HFC, ...
- 7、Vapor compression cycle mechanical refrigeration ... Solenoid valves are commonly used as shutoff ... valves, such as the Sporlan CDA type, have been.
- 8、Thermostatic Expansion Valve - Sporlan - Type C ... Sporlan Type C TEV's are designed for use on Air Conditioning and Refrigeration units. They regulate ...
What is the other name for the shut off valves?
- 1、Main shut off valves can be in two different styles: Gate Valve – this has a dial (round handle). Slowly turn the handle clockwise (to the right) to close it.
- 2、Oct 24, 2015 — There are several reasons you could find yourself needing to turn off the water and/or gas in your house: A weather emergency or other ...
- 3、If you're looking for the best water shut off valve for your toilet, here's a list of different types of toilet water shut off valves to choose from.
- 4、Knowing where your water shut off valve is and how to use it may help save ... home has two main water shutoff valves: one inside the house and the other by ...
- 5、... Trethewey tests two different styles of smart automatic water shutoff valves. ... meaning it's useful even when it's not detecting plumbing failures, ...
- 6、(2) Gas shut-off valves shall be installed only by corporations, ... the gas is turned off by the members of the Fire Department or from any other cause.
- 7、Mar 7, 2021 — Shut off water to a sink faucet by turning the small valve ... valves that look like outdoor hose valves—one for hot and the other for cold.
How do you check a off valve?
How do you tell if a valve is open or closed?
- 1、Apr 18, 2020 — When the handle of a ball valve is parallel to the valve or pipe, it's open. When it's perpendicular, it's closed. This makes it easy know ...
- 2、Sep 15, 2021 — If you want to know the detailed look of a valve fail open and valve fail ... Valve fail closed is exactly the opposite of valve fail open.
- 3、Read our guide to the most common types of valves to find out. ... The position of the stem tells operators whether the valve is open or closed.
- 4、What a solenoid valve does is use a plunger to open or close the valve, ... When a normally closed solenoid valve is not powered, the plunger is down, ...
- 5、Like all check valves, Swing check valves are used to avoid reverse flow in the ... All of the valve's opening and closing parts are installed inside the ...
- 6、When the plug is pushed down, the plug contacts the seat and the valve closes. Note: Most control valves are of this type. Push-Down-To-Open: A term used to ...
- 7、Get your Easy to use valve open/valve closed signs online with Safetyshop. ... used and know whether they can safely operate other parts of the system.
- 8、To determine if a sprinkler system can adequately protect a property, ... Indicating valves physically show whether a valve is open or closed.
Which type of hand operated valves are used in the refrigerant plant?
Why are valves used on refrigeration systems?
Danfoss Shut-off valves 148B4670 STC 25 M STR SHUT-OFF VALVE CAP Video
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- KBH Hydraulic Pneumatic Equipment Co., Ltd.
- AddressEdificio A - Planta Baja Derecha, C/ Basauri, 14, 28023 Madrid, Spain
Danfoss Shut-off valves 148B4670 STC 25 M Technical Articles
How do you adjust a hydraulic relief valve? |
How much HP does a hydraulic pump need? |
What is double acting hydraulic pump? |
Danfoss Shut-off valves CATEGORIES
- Rexroth Piston Pump
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- Yuken pressure valve
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- Danfoss Shut-off valves
- PAKER Piston Pump
- Yuken Piston pump
- Rexroth Solenoid directional valve
- Rexroth Vane pump
- BOSCH injector
- CUMMINS injector
- VOLVO injector
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