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Rexroth A10VSO140DG/31R-PPB12N00 Piston Pump
Rexroth Piston Pump
What are the types Flange Type Shape No Bearing Retained of Rexroth A10VSO140DG/31R-PPB12N00 Piston Pump ? Rexroth Piston Pump Manufacturing Service . KBH Hydraulic Pneumatic Equipment Co., Ltd. Round Type Flange Shape Get Your Free, Instant price, design review.
- Rexroth
- R-Seal
- 2
- 100 mm
- Double Row | Heavy D
- 179 Kg
- Dry 24.5 N/mm2&
- 15 Degree
KBH Hydraulic Pneumatic Equipment Co., Ltd.2020-07-10 09:46:19
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Rexroth A10VSO140DG/31R-PPB12N00 Piston PumpSponsored products related to this item
- Flange Block
- 96,8 mm
- 713610470
- 128 mm
- 22226
- Two-Bolt Flange
- 7.9 Inch | 199.5 Mil
- 1 (Single)
- 0.0
- RoHS
- 1,5 mm
- 22
- 8483.20.40.80
- 106,5 mm
- No
- Double Row | Heavy D
- 2,41 mm
Rexroth A10VSO140DG/31R-PPB12N00 Rexroth A10VSO140DG/31R-PPB12N00 Piston PumpCross reference
Rexroth A10VSO140DG/31R-PPB12N00 Piston Pump##Parts Table 1## | ||||||||
Friction Plate | 75 mm | 40 mm | 39 mm | 0,71 Kg | ||||
Spindle | 42 mm | 30 | Insert Bearing Unit | 0.116 Kg | ||||
Ball Guide | Duplex-Universal | 6.299 Inch | 160 Millimeter | 500 | 25 | ||||
Central Shaft | 9.449 Inch | 240 Millimeter | 6.299 Inch | 160 Millimeter | 2.992 Inch | 76 Millimeter | 10.39 | ||||
Block Cylinder | 5.512 Inch | 140.005 Millimeter | 3 Inch | 76.2 Millimeter | 3400 rpm | 3.02 | ||||
Gear Pump | 5.709 Inch | 145 Millimeter | 3.74 Inch | 95 Millimeter | 0.945 Inch | 24 Millimeter | - | ||||
Shoe Piston | 4.938 Inch | 125.425 Millimeter | 3.688 Inch | 93.675 Millimeter | 4.125 Inch | 104.775 Millimeter | 22.66 | ||||
Valve Plate | 47 mm | 17 mm | 14 mm | 40.1 kN | ||||
Plunger Sliding Boots | 3.02 | 45 | 93000 N | USI5000-311 | ||||
Guide Ball | A-UCX15-300D1 | Duplex-Universal | 10.39 | Single Lip Land Riding | ||||
Piston Shoe | 180.0000 mm | 100.000 mm | 34.00 mm | Flange Type | ||||
Drive Shaft | 22.66 | 029176034961 | Single Row | Angular Contact | Super High Precision | 75 |
Which pump has a piston that moves in a cylinder for pumping?
- 1、Though there are many types, all piston pumps feature at least one piston moving in an enclosed cylinder. The piston will normally have one or more o-rings ...
- 2、Jul 10, 2020 — Piston pumps have come a long way since Otto van Guericke invented the piston vacuum pump in 1650. FInd out what the latest technology can ...
- 3、Feb 26, 2018 — Some PD pumps work better for moving fluids with high pressures ... The mechanism consists of a reciprocating piston inside of a cylinder ...
- 4、Jun 28, 2018 — It consists of pump cylinder, piston, inlet and outlet valve, ... The low and medium speed piston pumps have low speed and can be manually ...
- 5、by Y Huang · 2021 — It is important that the three sliding friction pairs in the axial piston pump, such as the cylinder block/the valve plate, the pistons/the ...
- 6、These pumps work using a reciprocating piston within a cylinder. ... This has been solved using plastic pipe for the rising main (e.g. India Mark 3 pump or ...
- 7、Radial pump designs have the pistons placed radially within the housing on the cylinder block. As the pump moves, the pistons move perpendicular to the ...
- 8、4.12), it moves the pistons back and forth in the cylinders as the cylinder block rotates. This movement provides the “pumping action.” axial-piston-pump- ...
Where are Rexroth pumps made?
- 1、Feb 15, 2016 — The current facility is the manufacturing home to many types of hydraulic pumps and motors used in construction, agriculture, mining, ...
- 2、A hydraulic pump is a mechanical source of power that converts mechanical power into hydraulic ... Motor Speed: 2000 RPM; Country of Origin: Made in India.
- 3、66-74 Mopar 340 383 440 Six Pack Cuda Fuel Pump 5/16 Lower Fue eBay Motors ... Not Country 340 been Rexroth seller's Lower Condition: Used: The any 383 Fuel ...
- 4、5 days ago — This report is a comprehensive numerical analysis of the Gear Pumps industry and provides data to make strategies for increasing market growth ...
- 5、The PVV hydraulic pumps are fixed displacement vane pumps. The rotori s fitted onte the plines of the drive shaft which rotates inside the stator ring.
- 6、by R Uria Martinez · 2021 · Cited by 2 — In 2019, hydropower capacity (80.25 GW) accounted for 6.7% of installed electricity generation capacity in the United States and its generation (274 TWh) ...
- 7、These parts are Made In Korea and We, HTC Hydraulic Co supply them over the world aftermarket. HTC is a ...YouTube · HTC Hydraulic Co · Mar 12, 2020
- 8、PUMP SPARE PARTS for Caterpillar, Rexroth, Kawasaki, Komatsu, Linde, Sauer Sundstrand, Eaton, Parker/Denison hydraulic piston pump, hydraulic vane pump or ...
What is rotary piston pump?
- 1、Many translated example sentences containing "rotary piston pump" – Portuguese-English dictionary and search engine for Portuguese translations.
- 2、Rotary Piston Pumps ... Tuthill Cororation has been manufacturing pumps, meters, vacuum systems, and blowers for use in a variety of markets including agriculture ...
- 3、1. The rotary piston does not spin on its axis. It moves in a circular path within the pumping chamber. 2. As it passes top dead center, it creates a constantly ...
- 4、BÜRKLE Rotary piston pump. Many uses: Between hose connections, as a barrel pump with a rigid outlet elbow or a flexible discharge hose. It can pump in both ...
- 5、the piston pump system that converts rotary wind power to vertical motion using a piston ... A piston pump is superficially similar to a motor car engine, ...
- 6、Rotary lobe pumps (rotary piston pumps) – Their ✓ functions ✓ special features and ✓ applications ▻ Learn more now & make a non-binding inquiry!
- 7、Reciprocating pumps displace liquid by a backward and forward motion. This motion is in one direction, usually caused by a piston or diaphragm. On the other ...
- 8、Rotary positive displacement pumps use the actions of rotating cogs or gears to transfer fluids, rather than the backwards and forwards motion of reciprocating ...
Will a ram pump work in a lake?
- 1、Will a ram pump work in a lake? — The automatic hydraulic ram is a pumping device that has ... be used to pump still water from a well, pond or lake, ...
- 2、Sep 20, 2009 — Green and Carter: How Ram Pumps Work ... of the pool surface being a good 8-10 feet below the water level of the lake. ... Can you imagine?
- 3、Nov 12, 2021 — A ¾ “ black poly pipe would work fine. ... 0:245:04How to Pump Water Uphill Without Electricity - Ram Pump TourYouTube ...
- 4、Jun 25, 2021 — ... in Lake Sebu and Tboli towns in South Cotabato will benefit from an ... said Friday they are working on installing hydraulic ram pumps ...
- 5、Jun 20, 2015 — I figure, I can build my system in sections and work my way up. ... Search Google for pump - hydraulic ram.31 posts · Many, many pumps don't need thousands of gallons per minute; not sure of which one of those ...
- 6、Water flows via gravitiy from the lake ... If you would like more information ... Please see the diagram below for an explanation of how the ram pump works.
- 7、The pump can-not operate when submerged. Sincethe ram usually operates on a 24-hour basis the size can be determined for delivery over a 24-hourperiod.
- 8、Hydraulic ram pump apparatus is provided, of the type including a body ... L/D from here on) to operate reliably because their waste gates will not open ...
Can a positive displacement pump run backwards?
What are the three types of piston pumps?
- 1、Jun 29, 2018 — There are typically three types of hydraulic pump constructions found in mobile hydraulic applications. These include gear, piston, ...
- 2、A piston pump is a type of positive displacement pump where the high-pressure seal ... consistent pressure and in water irrigation or delivery systems.[3]
- 3、A type of reciprocating pump designed to move and pressurize fluid using one ... one with three would be called a triplex pump, with five a quintiplex, etc.
- 4、Parts of the Piston Pump — 1 What is a Reciprocating Pump? 2 Reciprocating Pump Working Principle; 3 Parts of the Piston Pump; 4 Reciprocating Pump Types.
- 5、Pressure compensation regulates outputs in response to variations in the system. Piston pumps are typically the most efficient type of hydraulic pumps.
- 6、by Z Tian · 2021 — A kind of displacement function of pistons, for two-piston pumps, and two other kinds, for three-piston pumps, are presented, ...
- 7、In a radial piston pump (Figure 3-14), the pistons are arranged like wheel spokes in a ... Pistons are manufactured in different designs (see Figure 3-18).
- 8、May 16, 2020 — Lift Piston Pump- In this type of pump, the piston displaces the compressed gas or liquid with the help of a control device called a valve.
What is a positive pump?
What are axial piston pump used for?
- 1、Document typeDocument LanguageCodeTitleRevisionPDFBrochureENZH‑HANSKO398DZZ0063U01HYDRAULIC RANGE1Do...BrochureENESPT‑BR398DZZ0063L01HYDRAULIC RANGE1Do...BrochureENFRES398DZZ0063B03HYDRAULIC RANGE3Do...View 3 more rows
- 2、Axial piston pumps are hydraulic pumps with accurately moving plungers (pistons) suitable for high flows and pressures. Axial piston units can be used in ...
- 3、Axial piston pumps can be designed as variable displacement piston pumps, making them very useful for controlling the speeds of hydraulic motors and cylinders.
- 4、Jan 5, 2017 — In short, the two main types of hydraulic motors you see used with heavy equipment are radial and axial piston motors. The radial piston motors ...
- 5、Use of a filter in the intake line must be approved by HAWE Hydraulik. □ Include a main pressure-limiting valve in the pressure line to limit the max. system ...
- 6、Because of its high volumetric efficiency and bi-directional rotation, a Small Axial Piston Pump can be combined with a highly-controllable AC servo motor ...
- 7、Axial piston pumps have several pistons that are arranged parallel to the drive shaft. They are available as either variable pumps or constant pumps.
- 8、The pumps are available with constant or variable displacement and are also used in hydrostatic gearboxes in vehicles such as forklift-trucks and wheel loaders ...
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Rexroth A10VSO140DG/31R-PPB12N00 Piston Pump Video
Rexroth A10VSO140DFR1/31R-PPB12N00 Piston Pump | Torque:179 Kg; Pilot Pressure:533 mm; Drive Speed:700; Sequence Valve:750 r/min; Rotary stiffness:480; Maximum rotational speed:700 mm; Case volume:480x700x128; Moment of inertia rotary group:NUP2096; Rate Of Pressure Change:5600 kN; Determining Operating Characteristics:2860 kN; Control Pressure Measurement:128 mm; Pressurefree Operation:480 mm; Weight (approx.):128; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:128 mm; |
Rexroth A10VSO71DFR1/31R-PPA12N00 Piston Pump | Pressurefree Operation:179 Kg; Power:533 mm; Case volume:700; Rate Of Pressure Change:750 r/min; Pilot Pressure:480; Load Pressure:700 mm; Torque:480x700x128; Flow:NUP2096; Determining Operating Characteristics:5600 kN; Control Fluid Drain:2860 kN; Sequence Valve:128 mm; Maximum Volume Flow:480 mm; Drive Speed:128; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:128 mm; |
Rexroth A10VSO45DFR1/31R-PPA12N00 Piston Pump | Voltage:8.75 Inch | 222.25 M; Drive Speed:8483.20.40.80; Weight (approx.):0.0; Sequence Valve:34.05; Moment of inertia rotary group:N/A; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:Flange Block Bearing; Determining Operating Characteristics:75; Control Fluid Drain:Non-expansion; Maximum Torque:0 Inch | 0 Millimete; Rotary stiffness:4 Bolt Square Flange; Maximum angular acceleration:Double Row | Heavy D; Case volume:Tapered Adapter Slee; Torque:Flanged; Flow:22226; Pilot Pressure:Inch; Control Pressure Measurement:TIMKEN; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:Flange Block; Drive Power:M06288; Pressurefree Operation:4 Bolt Square Flange; |
Rexroth A10VSO71DFR1/31R-PPA12N00 Piston Pump | Torque:Uncoated; Case volume:90 mm; Control Fluid Drain:6700 RPM; Drive Speed:Open; Maximum angular acceleration:Cast Iron; Sequence Valve:26000 lb; Pilot Pressure:23 mm; Flow:Tapered 1:12; Rotary stiffness:222; Moment of inertia rotary group:50 mm; |
Rexroth A10VSO28DR/31R-PPA12N00 Piston Pump | Maximum rotational speed:8.75 Inch | 222.25 M; Nominal Resistance:8483.20.40.80; Drive Power:0.0; Case volume:34.05; Maximum Volume Flow:N/A; Voltage:Flange Block Bearing; Flow:75; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):Non-expansion; Control Fluid Drain:0 Inch | 0 Millimete; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:4 Bolt Square Flange; Moment of inertia rotary group:Double Row | Heavy D; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:Tapered Adapter Slee; Load Pressure:Flanged; Maximum angular acceleration:22226; Pressurefree Operation:Inch; Maximum Torque:TIMKEN; Drive Speed:Flange Block; Control Pressure Measurement:M06288; Sequence Valve:4 Bolt Square Flange; |
Rexroth A10VSO71DFR1/32R-VPB22U99 Piston Pump | Flow:B04144; Nominal Resistance:N/A; Determining Operating Characteristics:0.0; Drive Speed:0.93; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:Bearings; Load Pressure:NSK; |
Rexroth A10VSO100DR/31R-PPA12N00 Piston Pump | Pilot Pressure:5732; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:713610470; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:CX506; Control Pressure Measurement:VKBA 3569; |
A10VSO140DR/31R-PPB12N00 Piston Pump | Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):No; Power:31171531; Maximum Volume Flow:4-1/2" Bore; 6-; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:Angular Contact Ball; Control Pressure Measurement:Steel; Nominal Resistance:0.875 Inch | 22.225; Rotary stiffness:0.0; Voltage:15 Degree; Sequence Valve:CONSOLIDATED BEARING; Drive Speed:4.5 Inch | 114.3 Mil; Weight (approx.):Inch; Control Fluid Drain:3.02; Load Pressure:8482.10.50.28; Maximum rotational speed:B00308; Maximum Torque:Open; Pilot Pressure:ABEC 1 | ISO P0; Torque:Bearing; Flow:1 (Single); Drive Power:Angular Contact; |
Rexroth A10VSO140DRS/32R-VPB12N00 Piston Pump | Maximum angular acceleration:Bearing; Torque:5/8 Inch; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:9.625 Inch | 244.475; Drive Speed:TIMKEN; Weight (approx.):Pillow Block; Determining Operating Characteristics:3.25 Inch | 82.55 Mi; Case volume:Pillow Block Bearing; Pilot Pressure:7.875 Inch | 200.025; Nominal Resistance:8483.20.40.80; Control Pressure Measurement:Pillow Block; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):Yes; Drive Power:V Lock; Rate Of Pressure Change:22; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:1 Piece Solid; Pressurefree Operation:2 Bolt Pillow Block; Maximum Torque:Triple Lip Nitrile R; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:N/A; Maximum rotational speed:2.362 Inch | 60 Mill; Moment of inertia rotary group:31171511; |
Rexroth A10VSO45DR/31R-PPA12N00 Piston Pump | Maximum Torque:5732; Torque:713610470; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:CX506; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):VKBA 3569; |
Rexroth A10VSO100DFR1/32R-PPB12N00 Piston Pump | Drive Speed:Lead Free; Power:Dry 1.63, Periodic l; Rate Of Pressure Change:Plain Sleeve; Maximum Volume Flow:35 mm; Control Fluid Drain:2000; Sequence Valve:25 mm; Weight (approx.):Dry 24.5 N/mm2&; Moment of inertia rotary group:CBB; Rotary stiffness:-40 to +248 &de; Determining Operating Characteristics:35 mm; Pressurefree Operation:2000; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:Dry 0.50;Period; Drive Power:RoHS; |
Rexroth A10VSO71DR/31R-PPA12N00 Piston Pump | Sequence Valve:Yes; Maximum Torque:0.0; Pressurefree Operation:9.988; Maximum Volume Flow:0 Inch | 0Millimeter; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):31171511; Load Pressure:3.78 Inch | 96 Milli; Nominal Resistance:2 Bolt Pillow Block;; Weight (approx.):Pillow Block; Drive Power:Spherical Roller Bea; Control Fluid Drain:28; Moment of inertia rotary group:N/A; Case volume:Concentric Collar; Maximum angular acceleration:M06288; Voltage:2.75 Inch | 69.85 Mi; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:Cast Steel; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:1 Piece Solid; Rate Of Pressure Change:7.9 Inch | 199.5 Mil; Rotary stiffness:2; Maximum rotational speed:7.205 Inch | 183Mill; Determining Operating Characteristics:Pillow Block; |
Contact Us

- KBH Hydraulic Pneumatic Equipment Co., Ltd.
- AddressEdificio A - Planta Baja Derecha, C/ Basauri, 14, 28023 Madrid, Spain
Rexroth A10VSO140DG/31R-PPB12N00 Technical Articles
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How much HP does a hydraulic pump need? |
What is double acting hydraulic pump? |
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