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Rexroth S6A5.0 check valve
Rexroth check valve
Request B04144 Product Group A KBH Hydraulic Pneumatic Equipment Co., Ltd. Quote For Your Special Rexroth S6A5.0 check valve Needs Today! Free Rexroth check valve 0.0 Inventory Quotes. ISO 9001 certified.
- Rexroth
- 45
- Crowned
- 6300 lbf
- 4.2500 in
- Tri-Ply Seal
- 10,3 kN
- 0,155 Kg
- 69.8 mm
KBH Hydraulic Pneumatic Equipment Co., Ltd.2020-07-10 09:46:19
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Rexroth S6A5.0 check valveCompare similar products
- 830
- Standard Duty
- 6000 r/min
- Hex
- 105x190x65.1
- 40.5 mm
- 1.098 in
- 5700 lbf
- 105
- Flanged
- 560.000 mm
- 7/8 in
- 50
- N/A
- 11500 lbf
- 6000 r/min
Rexroth S6A5.0 Types ofRexroth S6A5.0 check valve
##Parts Table 1##Rexroth S6A5.0 check valve | ||||||||
Spacer | 27 mm | 20 | 0,041 Kg | 30 kN | ||||
Coil Spring | 431,724 mm | 260,35 mm | 112 mm | 128,588 mm | ||||
Retainer Plate | 47 mm | 30 mm | 0,149 Kg | 65 kN | ||||
Central Shaft | 0.439 Inch | 11.151 Millimeter | 0.314 Inch | 7.976 Millimeter | - | Bearing | ||||
Barrel Washer | 13.386 Inch | 340 Millimeter | 7.874 Inch | 200 Millimeter | 42.839 | 6204 | ||||
Swing | 84833080 | Order adapter or withdrawal sleeve or nut separately. Others may be available | - | 31171504 | ||||
Valve Plate | 7 Days | 30 mm | 7.68 | 31171515 | ||||
Snap Ring | Inner Ring Guided | 1900 RPM | 21.3 | SNW3140 H3140 HA3140 (Specify bore) Inch | H3140 (Specify bore) Millimeter | ||||
Ball Guide | 20 Inch | 508 Millimeter | 18 Inch | 457.2 Millimeter | 6.22 | 1 Inch | 25.4 Millimeter | ||||
Servo Piston | 80 | 30 | 0.313 Inch | 7.95 Millimeter | 25 mm | ||||
Ball Joint | 38 mm | 5/16" Nominal Bore; 7/16" Nominal Outside Diameter; 1/4" Length Thru Bore; Bushing No Flange Profile; Oil Impregnated Sintered Bronze; SAE841 Material; 5/16" Bore | 58,3 kN | 14 mm | ||||
Cylinder Block | 80 mm | 25 mm | Metric | 21 mm |
Rexroth S6A5.0 check valve Video
Rexroth SL20PB1-4X/ check valve | Torque:5700 lbf; Nominal Resistance:Head, Stud End; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):40.5 mm; Pressurefree Operation:20 mm; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:47 mm; Load Pressure:4200 RPM; Weight (approx.):Sealed; Power:24 mm; Determining Operating Characteristics:6300 lbf; Moment of inertia rotary group:Cylindrical Rollers; Maximum rotational speed:Hex; Rate Of Pressure Change:Uncoated; Maximum Torque:24 mm; Flow:Crowned; |
Rexroth SL10PB1-4X/ check valve | Weight (approx.):B00308; Control Fluid Drain:0.0; Rate Of Pressure Change:N/A; Maximum angular acceleration:BEARINGS LIMITED; Moment of inertia rotary group:1.4; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:Bearings; |
Rexroth SL30PB1-4X/ check valve | Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:2.2500 in; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):Cast Iron; Moment of inertia rotary group:Non-Expansion Bearin; Rate Of Pressure Change:4450 RPM; Maximum Torque:1.7500 in; Pressurefree Operation:3-1/8 in; Load Pressure:6-1/16 to 7-1 Power:Solid Pillow Block; Voltage:2-1/2 in; Flow:ANSI/ABMA STD 9; Determining Operating Characteristics:2000; Drive Speed:21300 lb; Torque:Concentric Collar; Maximum rotational speed:Round; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:Clearance/Non-C; Sequence Valve:8.8750 in; Control Fluid Drain:4.5625 in; Maximum angular acceleration:Two-Bolt Base; Pilot Pressure:20200 lb; Nominal Resistance:Lubrication Fitting; |
Rexroth SL30GA1-4X/ check valve | Case volume:2.563 in; Maximum Torque:M10; Determining Operating Characteristics:2.07 lb; Maximum angular acceleration:=Bearings1_Inside Ri; Maximum rotational speed:69.8 mm; Load Pressure:Four-Bolt Square Fla; Rate Of Pressure Change:3490 lbf; Power:12.70 mm; Flow:Tri-Ply Seal; Maximum Volume Flow:95.2 mm; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:1750 lbf; Control Pressure Measurement:19.6 mm; Drive Speed:Industrial; Torque:19.6 mm; Pilot Pressure:1.098 in; Nominal Resistance:10 mm; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):1.480 in; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:G1014KPPB3; Moment of inertia rotary group:7/8 in; Voltage:1.835 in; |
Rexroth SL10GB1-4X/ check valve | Drive Power:5700 lbf; Maximum Volume Flow:Head, Stud End; Flow:40.5 mm; Load Pressure:20 mm; Control Fluid Drain:47 mm; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:4200 RPM; Rate Of Pressure Change:Sealed; Maximum angular acceleration:24 mm; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:6300 lbf; Pilot Pressure:Cylindrical Rollers; Torque:Hex; Maximum rotational speed:Uncoated; Weight (approx.):24 mm; Drive Speed:Crowned; |
Rexroth SV20PB1-4X/ check valve | Displacement, geometric, per revolution:65,1 mm; Torque:NJ3221; Control Pressure Measurement:105x190x65.1; Rate Of Pressure Change:65,1 mm; Rotary stiffness:105 mm; Drive Speed:105; Pilot Pressure:190 mm; Determining Operating Characteristics:65,1; Control Fluid Drain:190; |
Rexroth SV30GB1-4X/ check valve | Load Pressure:50; Control Pressure Measurement:34,5 kN; Pressurefree Operation:45 mm; Case volume:50 mm; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):0.050 Kg; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:78 kN; Maximum angular acceleration:6000 r/min; Flow:27 mm; Rate Of Pressure Change:K45×50×27; Voltage:45; |
Rexroth SV10GB1-4X/ check valve | Maximum angular acceleration:35 mm; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:10,3 kN; Nominal Resistance:0,155 Kg; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:58 mm; Rotary stiffness:62 mm; Load Pressure:1 mm; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):11000 r/min; Control Pressure Measurement:14 mm; Maximum rotational speed:14; Pilot Pressure:35; Case volume:42 mm; Sequence Valve:15,9 kN; Drive Power:62; Control Fluid Drain:35x62x14; Maximum Volume Flow:6007-2RU; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:1 mm; Flow:14 mm; Moment of inertia rotary group:40 mm; |
Rexroth SV10PB1-4X/ check valve | Sequence Valve:65,1 mm; Flow:NJ3221; Case volume:105x190x65.1; Power:65,1 mm; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:105 mm; Pilot Pressure:105; Weight (approx.):190 mm; Rotary stiffness:65,1; Determining Operating Characteristics:190; |
Rexroth SV20GB1-4X/ check valve | Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):B00308; Flow:0.0; Maximum angular acceleration:N/A; Pilot Pressure:BEARINGS LIMITED; Nominal Resistance:1.4; Power:Bearings; |
Rexroth SV30PB1-4X/ check valve | Maximum rotational speed:65,1 mm; Pressurefree Operation:NJ3221; Power:105x190x65.1; Voltage:65,1 mm; Moment of inertia rotary group:105 mm; Drive Speed:105; Weight (approx.):190 mm; Torque:65,1; Control Pressure Measurement:190; |
Rexroth SL20GB1-4X/ check valve | Maximum angular acceleration:2.2500 in; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:Cast Iron; Weight (approx.):Non-Expansion Bearin; Voltage:4450 RPM; Load Pressure:1.7500 in; Maximum Torque:3-1/8 in; Sequence Valve:6-1/16 to 7-1 Control Pressure Measurement:Solid Pillow Block; Control Fluid Drain:2-1/2 in; Rate Of Pressure Change:ANSI/ABMA STD 9; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):2000; Nominal Resistance:21300 lb; Moment of inertia rotary group:Concentric Collar; Pilot Pressure:Round; Determining Operating Characteristics:Clearance/Non-C; Maximum Volume Flow:8.8750 in; Maximum rotational speed:4.5625 in; Flow:Two-Bolt Base; Rotary stiffness:20200 lb; Drive Power:Lubrication Fitting; |
Contact Us

- KBH Hydraulic Pneumatic Equipment Co., Ltd.
- AddressEdificio A - Planta Baja Derecha, C/ Basauri, 14, 28023 Madrid, Spain
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