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Rexroth R961002460 WELLE PVV/PVQ51-1X/J+LAGER Vane pump
Rexroth Vane pump
Rexroth R961002460 WELLE PVV/PVQ51-1X/J+LAGER Vane pump Needs Analysis Bearings Category , Rexroth Vane pump Manufacturing KBH Hydraulic Pneumatic Equipment Co., Ltd. Service . Get Your Free.
- Rexroth
- No Pilot
- 0.313 Inch | 7.95 Mi
- Concentric Collar
- Bearing
- Double Lip Viton
- 331818 lbf
- 16.0 mm
- 0.433 Inch | 11 Mill
KBH Hydraulic Pneumatic Equipment Co., Ltd.2020-07-10 09:46:19
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Rexroth R961002460 WELLE PVV/PVQ51-1X/J+LAGER Vane pumpCompare similar products
- 65MM Bore; 100MM Out
- 1 Piece Solid
- Angular Contact Ball
- Medium Series
- 100
- AA-403-2
- Inch
- 60x100x30
- 6.3 in
- No
- Angular Contact Ball
- 6,700 rpm
- N/A
- 23230
- 20,5 kN
- 1 Piece Solid
- Metric
Rexroth R961002460 WELLE PVV/PVQ51-1X/J+LAGER Rexroth R961002460 WELLE PVV/PVQ51-1X/J+LAGER Vane pumpCustomers who bought this item also bought
##Parts Table 1##Rexroth R961002460 WELLE PVV/PVQ51-1X/J+LAGER Vane pump | ||||||||
Disc Springs | 140 mm | 180 mm | 0,219 Kg | 137,2 kN | ||||
Housings Casings | 35 mm | 62 mm | 0.150 Kg | 16 kN | ||||
Pressure Plate | 60 mm | 78 mm | Not Applicable | 10 mm | ||||
Rod | 57.15 mm | 57.15 mm | 4.23 kg | 52.5 kN | ||||
Ball Guide | 12 mm | 60 mm | 0.61 kg | 12.8 kN | ||||
Shoe Piston | 3.4 mm | 1.85 Inch | 47 Millimeter | 0.15 | 1.25 LB | ||||
Separator | 140x180x5 | 5 | 18.479 | 78 | ||||
Inclined Plate | 59.61 mm | Non-Expansion | 0.244 | 11 mm | ||||
Central Shaft | 1.2500 in | 2.8364 in | 59.6 mm | Steel | ||||
Set Plate | 5/16 in | 7/16 in | FLE212- | SAE 841 Bronze | ||||
Spacer | 1.1875 in | 51304 | Snap Ring Groove with Snap Ring | 7/16 in | ||||
Ball Guides | 140 | No Coating | 1.280 Kilogram | 50000 |
Rexroth PVQ42-1X/098-045RA15DDMC Vane pump | Pilot Pressure:No Pilot; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:1 Piece Solid; Maximum angular acceleration:Flange Block; Maximum rotational speed:31171501; Torque:4.994; Nominal Resistance:M06288; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):Teflon Labyrinth; Control Fluid Drain:Inch; Flow:Concentric Collar; Maximum Volume Flow:QAF10A200SET; Voltage:6.2 Inch | 157 Milli; Sequence Valve:2 Inch | 50.8 Millim; Weight (approx.):Flanged; Pressurefree Operation:Double Row | Single; Rate Of Pressure Change:0 Inch | 0 Millimete; Determining Operating Characteristics:1/2 Inch; Moment of inertia rotary group:8483.20.40.80; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:11; Drive Power:4 Bolt Square Flange; |
Rexroth PVQ51-1X/162-036RB15DDMC Vane pump | Torque:11; Control Fluid Drain:No; Case volume:0.300 Kg; Rotary stiffness:65MM Bore; 100MM Out; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:0.433 Inch | 11 Mill; Nominal Resistance:0.6 mm; Weight (approx.):2.559 Inch | 65 Mill; Sequence Valve:Single Row Ball Bear; Flow:65; Drive Speed:65x100x11; Load Pressure:93 mm; Rate Of Pressure Change:N/A; Maximum rotational speed:6,700 rpm; Control Pressure Measurement:0.6 mm; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):Metric; Maximum Volume Flow:18,600 N; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:11 mm; Power:93 mm; Voltage:20,5 kN; Determining Operating Characteristics:Single Row; |
Rexroth PVQ54-1X/139-082RA15UUMC Vane pump | Power:Bearing Steel; Maximum Torque:2.7500 in; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:Double V-Lock Collar; Voltage:883450171113; Control Pressure Measurement:Cast Steel; Determining Operating Characteristics:Solid Pillow Block; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):Click here; Load Pressure:Powder Coat; Weight (approx.):Labyrnith non-contac; Rotary stiffness:4.0900 in; Drive Speed:Lubrication Fitting; Pilot Pressure:0.6250 in; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:7.7550 in; Pressurefree Operation:Heavy Duty; Sequence Valve:Open; Torque:Round; Maximum rotational speed:1.3800 in; Rate Of Pressure Change:2.9000 in; Nominal Resistance:Spherical Roller; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:2.5000 in; |
Rexroth PVV54-1X/154-113RJ15UUMC Vane pump | Nominal Resistance:Metric; Case volume:1.189 Inch | 30.2 Mi; Determining Operating Characteristics:1 (Single); Pressurefree Operation:Ball Bearing; Drive Power:40MM Bore; 80MM Outs; Weight (approx.):NSK; Maximum angular acceleration:Double Row; Maximum Torque:ABEC 1 | ISO P0; Voltage:40 Degree; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:No; Rate Of Pressure Change:Angular Contact Ball; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:C3-Loose; Sequence Valve:No; Maximum Volume Flow:B00152; Control Pressure Measurement:31171531; Power:0.0; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:1.575 Inch | 40 Mill; Control Fluid Drain:Angular Contact Ball; Rotary stiffness:Polyamide; |
Rexroth PVQ21-1X/068-027RA15LUMB Vane pump | Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:0.312 Inch | 7.925 M; Rotary stiffness:Oil Impregnated Sint; Flow:Plain; Rate Of Pressure Change:101099; Maximum rotational speed:Sleeve Bearings; Nominal Resistance:5/16" Nominal B; Weight (approx.):Bushing No Flange; Control Fluid Drain:ISOSTATIC INDUSTRIES; Load Pressure:SAE841; Maximum Torque:B04264; Torque:0.5 Inch | 12.7 Mill; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:AA-403-2; Maximum Volume Flow:84833080; Maximum angular acceleration:0.0; Determining Operating Characteristics:0.438 Inch | 11.125; Pressurefree Operation:0.313 Inch | 7.95 Mi; Drive Power:Sleeve Bearings; Pilot Pressure:Bearing; Sequence Valve:31171515; |
Rexroth PVQ21-1X/068-027RA15LUMB Vane pump | Rotary stiffness:UEL208-24; Maximum rotational speed:19.00 mm; Load Pressure:21.4 mm; Control Fluid Drain:Eccentric Locking Co; Rate Of Pressure Change:M06110; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:49.00 mm; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:88.00 mm; Maximum Torque:33.00 mm; Nominal Resistance:16.0 mm; Torque:114.00 mm; Moment of inertia rotary group:144.00 mm; Determining Operating Characteristics:TIMKEN; Power:6.0 lb; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):1.5 in; Pilot Pressure:2.217 in; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:0.01; Pressurefree Operation:Bearings; Case volume:6542 lbf; Maximum Volume Flow:4002 lbf; Control Pressure Measurement:83.00 mm; |
Rexroth PVQ54-1X/183-082RA15DDMC Vane pump | Flow:9 mm; Nominal Resistance:No; Maximum Volume Flow:9 mm; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:ISO Class 0; Maximum angular acceleration:-40 to 120 ºC; Pressurefree Operation:Single Row Ball Bear; Voltage:High Carbon Chrome S; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:Round; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):0.066; Rotary stiffness:0.03; Control Fluid Drain:Single Row Ball Bear; Maximum Torque:B00308; Case volume:No; Power:1.26 Inch | 32 Milli; Moment of inertia rotary group:8.0; Torque:NTN; Drive Speed:0.354 Inch | 9 Milli; Control Pressure Measurement:N/A; Maximum rotational speed:32 mm; |
Rexroth PVQ41-1X/122-036RA15DDMC Vane pump | Nominal Resistance:UEL208-24; Rotary stiffness:19.00 mm; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:21.4 mm; Rate Of Pressure Change:Eccentric Locking Co; Load Pressure:M06110; Pilot Pressure:49.00 mm; Maximum Volume Flow:88.00 mm; Power:33.00 mm; Maximum rotational speed:16.0 mm; Case volume:114.00 mm; Weight (approx.):144.00 mm; Moment of inertia rotary group:TIMKEN; Torque:6.0 lb; Voltage:1.5 in; Control Fluid Drain:2.217 in; Drive Speed:0.01; Maximum Torque:Bearings; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:6542 lbf; Maximum angular acceleration:4002 lbf; Flow:83.00 mm; |
Rexroth PVQ52-1X/193-040RB15URMC Vane pump | Control Fluid Drain:Double Row; Flow:1 Piece Solid; Case volume:TIMKEN; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:Eccentric Collar; Maximum Volume Flow:19.125 Inch | 485.77; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):17.375 Inch | 441.32; Voltage:Yes; Drive Power:1 Inch; Sequence Valve:23230; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:31171511; Maximum Torque:0.0; Nominal Resistance:Inch; Pilot Pressure:Pillow Block; Torque:6.688 Inch | 169.875; Maximum rotational speed:4 Bolt Pillow Block; Pressurefree Operation:4; Rate Of Pressure Change:Pillow Block Bearing; Determining Operating Characteristics:18.3 Inch | 464.8 Mi; Load Pressure:Double Lip Viton; |
Rexroth PVQ52-1X/193-055RB15UUMC Vane pump | Moment of inertia rotary group:0.312 Inch | 7.925 M; Pressurefree Operation:Oil Impregnated Sint; Determining Operating Characteristics:Plain; Weight (approx.):101099; Flow:Sleeve Bearings; Maximum Torque:5/16" Nominal B; Rate Of Pressure Change:Bushing No Flange; Rotary stiffness:ISOSTATIC INDUSTRIES; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:SAE841; Sequence Valve:B04264; Maximum rotational speed:0.5 Inch | 12.7 Mill; Drive Speed:AA-403-2; Case volume:84833080; Control Fluid Drain:0.0; Nominal Resistance:0.438 Inch | 11.125; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:0.313 Inch | 7.95 Mi; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):Sleeve Bearings; Pilot Pressure:Bearing; Maximum Volume Flow:31171515; |
Rexroth PVQ41-1X/098-027RA15UDMC Vane pump | Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:60 mm; Rotary stiffness:30 mm; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:23 mm; Voltage:100; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):60x100x30; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:33112A; Maximum rotational speed:30 mm; Pressurefree Operation:30; Flow:60; Torque:100 mm; |
Rexroth PVQ51-1X/193-027RA15DDMC Vane pump | Weight (approx.):High Temperature Pac; Flow:331818 lbf; Moment of inertia rotary group:11 in; Pilot Pressure:1.5 in; Rotary stiffness:013992069757; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):26.9 in; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:529875 lbf; Voltage:Medium Series; Control Pressure Measurement:Round Flange; Sequence Valve:6.3 in; Maximum Volume Flow:Split Cylindrical Ex; Pressurefree Operation:This product line wa; Load Pressure:MSE1100BX; Torque:23.750 in; Drive Speed:30.0 in; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:MSE1100BXHHTPS; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:11.5 in; Case volume:8 x M30; Maximum Torque:0.2 in; Maximum rotational speed:670 rpm; |
How does a vane vacuum pump work?
Can vane pump run dry?
- 1、Finally, we will briefly mention the Fluid-o-Tech vane pumps. ... The vane pumps are known for their dry-priming, easy maintenance, and good suction ...
- 2、It is dry, self-priming with ... The 115V AC vane pump can be used as a portable ... Rotary Vane pumps must NOT be run dry, as the.
- 3、These include Diaphragm pumps and Peristaltic Pumps which can run dry for any ... Rotary vane pumps and Gear pumps due to them not have capabilities on dry ...
- 4、Pump does not develop any head. nor does it deliver liquid ... Mechanical seal has been run dry ... S.: Alternate Vane Cavitation in an Impeller.
- 5、Dec 16, 2018 — This capability allows the PD pump to draw a suction vacuum and compress air into the discharge piping, all while dry running. This enables the ...
- 6、with this Directive before the machine in which the pump will be ... high and should be readjusted until the motor will run ... Store in a dry location.
- 7、Rotary vane vacuum pumps are oil sealed pumps or dry (no oil) and used for ... the system will not run until all other pumps are run which extends the ...
- 8、Dry running a pump can cause all kinds of serious problems, yet many operators are unaware of the dangers. When a pump runs dry, it generates heat and force ...
Where are Rexroth pumps made?
- 1、HYDAC Other Hydraulics, Pneumatics, Pumps & Plumbing HYDAC ... Hydac Nitrogen Accumulator Bladder Replacement In Hydraulic System Sb330-32a 32liter 330bar ...
- 2、Bosch Rexroth is a global leader in manufacturing industrial hydraulics, including proportional and servo valves. Directional control, high response, ...
- 3、... product information page for Bosch Rexroth bent axis hydraulic pumps. ... Dual shaft seal made of special material and flushing chamber for damage ...
- 4、Feb 16, 2022 — At the company's Brantford facility, pneumatic actuators and valves are also manufactured under its Aventics and ASCO brands.
- 5、Nov 20, 2020 — The story began in 1795 when Georg Ludwig Rexroth launched the ... medium-pressure axial-piston pump, @ParkerHannifin has created a complete ...
- 6、Bosch Rexroth Pumps. Bosch Rexroth is one of the market leaders in hydraulic pump designs, manufacturing and innovation.
- 7、Understand REXROTH SQP 321 SQP432 SQP421 SQP431 HYDRAULIC OIL PUMP MADE IN CHINA information in Changzhou Green Hydraulics Manufacture Co.,Ltd company, ...
- 8、These parts are Made In Korea and We, HTC Hydraulic Co supply them over the world aftermarket. HTC is a ...YouTube · HTC Hydraulic Co · Mar 12, 2020
Where is vane pump used?
- 1、And they do play an integral part in our daily lives. Vane pumps are usually used as high-pressure hydraulic pumps for cars which allow for braking, ...
- 2、Sliding-vane pumps are regularly used in refineries, terminals, etc. for pumping oils, solvents, paints, and coatings, etc. Rotary-vane technology is applied to ...
- 3、Other articles where vane pump is discussed: pump: Positive displacement pumps. ... Centrifugal pumps are used for a wide variety of purposes, ...
- 4、May 5, 2020 — Vane pumps are commonly used as high-pressure hydraulic pumps and in automobiles, including supercharging, power-steering, air conditioning, ...
- 5、Rotary vane pumps produce hydraulic power for automatic transmissions. Located in the cover of the transmission, they pull oil at low pressure from a sump ...
- 6、Vane pumps are a type of rotary positive displacement pump. A set of paddle-like vanes, mounted radially on a cylindrical rotor, create a number of compartments ...
- 7、Sliding Vane Pumps have vanes that slide in and out as the shaft turns and ... This allows the same pump to be used for both loading and unloading saving ...
- 8、Our reliable pumps are often used in combination with Turbomolecular or Diffusion HV pumps in a wide range of industry applications including metallurgy, heat ...
What does Bosch Rexroth do?
How do you adjust the pressure on a Rexroth pump?
- 1、outlet pressure. Startup & Operation. 2.2. 7/01/11. Fig 1. Rexroth A10VSO Size 18 Hydraulic Pump. Compensator. Adjustment [Red]. Volume Stop. Adjustment ...
- 2、The aircraft hydraulic pump is a variable-displacement, pressure-compensated unit that adjusts the volume of fluid delivered to maintain constant pressure.
- 3、Submitted by: Gerald Manley CFPE – HTE Hydraulic System Engineer ... procedure for setting the compensator on a pressure compensated pump.
- 4、requirement changes the pump will simply adjust itself accordingly. ... the pressure supply to your hydraulic system from ever going too high.22 pages
- 5、The pump is equipped with all standard adjustments - charge pressure, two high pressure cross-port relief valves, no pressure cut-off (you will see why in a ...
- 6、Relief Valve Adjustment Instructions: Prior to pressurizing regulator, pry silver cap from center of knob. Apply supply pressure to the regulator and set ...
- 7、Flow and pressure compensator valve. 1. Standby pressure adjustment screw. 2. Maximum pressure adjustment screw. 3. Gauge test port. 4. Connections to pump ...
- 8、Aug 25, 2013 — The pump is arguably the heart of almost every hydraulic system and, ... on pressure-compensated, variable-displacement piston pumps, ...
What is the difference between vane pump and piston pump?
- 1、In a vane-type pump, a slotted rotor splined to a drive shaft rotates between closely fitted side plates that are inside of an elliptical- or ...
- 2、Certain vane pumps and piston units can be varied from maximum to zero ... What is the difference between positive and non-positive displacement pumps?
- 3、As the vanes move past the suction port of the pump, a vacuum is created. This vacuum is what draws fluid into the pumping chamber. The fluid then moves between ...
- 4、Good suction/vacuum capabilities – Thanks to the tight seal between the vanes, rotor and pump casing, the vane pumping principle benefits from good suction ...
- 5、CD-Model Sliding Vane Pumps. High pressure design with O-ring construction; Mechanically sealed with a silicon carbide seal seat; Six vanes and vane drivers ...
- 6、Jun 29, 2018 — With a fixed displacement piston pump, the swash plate is nonadjustable. ... Vane pumps were, at one time, commonly used on utility vehicles ...
- 7、There is no leakage between the vane tips and the casings. A side thrust is made on the rotor shaft due to the difference in pressure between the inlet and ...
- 8、Performance Data Single, Double & Thru-Drive Vane Pumps ... Note: For options other than listed in the model code, i.e. shafts, ... Piston Pumps – Fixed.
Rexroth R961002460 WELLE PVV/PVQ51-1X/J+LAGER Vane pump Video
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- KBH Hydraulic Pneumatic Equipment Co., Ltd.
- AddressEdificio A - Planta Baja Derecha, C/ Basauri, 14, 28023 Madrid, Spain
Rexroth R961002460 WELLE PVV/PVQ51-1X/J+LAGER Technical Articles
How do you adjust a hydraulic relief valve? |
How much HP does a hydraulic pump need? |
What is double acting hydraulic pump? |
Rexroth Vane pump CATEGORIES
- Rexroth Piston Pump
- Rexroth check valve
- DENISON vane pump
- Yuken Double Vane pump
- Yuken pressure valve
- Yuken single Vane pump
- Danfoss Shut-off valves
- PAKER Piston Pump
- Yuken Piston pump
- Rexroth Solenoid directional valve
- Rexroth Vane pump
- BOSCH injector
- CUMMINS injector
- VOLVO injector