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Rexroth PVV52-1X/193-040RB15URMC Vane pump
Rexroth Vane pump
Shop Rexroth PVV52-1X/193-040RB15URMC Vane pump huge online KBH Hydraulic Pneumatic Equipment Co., Ltd. discount Rexroth Vane pump inventory. Rexroth Vane pump and Import machinery parts your car needs 0.75 Inch | 19.05 Mi Stud Diameter with Free Shipping and Free Extended Warranty.
- Rexroth
- 670 rpm
- Double Lip Viton
- 17.375 Inch | 441.32
- 0.313 Inch | 7.95 Mi
- 7100 lbf
- Sleeve Bearings
- Lubrication Fitting
- 83.00 mm
KBH Hydraulic Pneumatic Equipment Co., Ltd.2020-07-10 09:46:19
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Rexroth PVV52-1X/193-040RB15URMC Vane pumpCompare similar products
- 0.01
- 2.217 in
- Labyrnith non-contac
- M06288
- 17.375 Inch | 441.32
- 11.5 in
- 0.5 Inch | 12.7 Mill
- 0 Inch | 0 Millimete
- 0.312 Inch | 7.925 M
- 47700 lbf
- Round
- 18.3 Inch | 464.8 Mi
- http://www.nskameric
- 0.0
- 93 mm
- Plain
- 331818 lbf
Rexroth PVV52-1X/193-040RB15URMC Rexroth PVV52-1X/193-040RB15URMC Vane pumpCustomers who bought this item also bought
##Parts Table 1##Rexroth PVV52-1X/193-040RB15URMC Vane pump | ||||||||
Cylinder | 24 mm | 18 | N/A | 0.0 | ||||
The Ball Hinge Spring | 298,45 mm | 11 inch | 3.938 Inch | 100.025 Millimeter | 2,5 | ||||
Skeleton Oil Seal | 30 | 200 | N/A | 0.0 | ||||
Piston Sets | 1.295 Inch | 32.9 Millimeter | 1.375 Inch | 34.925 Millimeter | N/A | 0.0 | ||||
Swash Plate | 8.75 Inch | 222.25 Millimeter | 6 Inch | 152.4 Millimeter | N/A | 0.0 | ||||
Ball Guides | 6.693 Inch | 170 Millimeter | 3.15 Inch | 80 Millimeter | N/A | 0.0 | ||||
Plunger Sliding Boots | Single Row | Spherical | Normal Duty | Zinc Coated Insert | 9.37 | N/A | 0.0 | ||||
Friction Plate | 283,2 mm | 1.74 | N/A | 0.0 | ||||
Separator | 562, 563, 563B | 2.6875 in | 565 | Inch | ||||
Rotor | Standard | 12,7 mm | Class 0 | 0,65 kg / Weight | ||||
Ball Joint | 360 mm | 200 mm | 12,7 | 0,062 Kg | ||||
Bearing Plate | 40 mm | 1.424 in | Flat | 0 Inch | 0 Millimeter | ||||
Swash Plate Assemblies | 11.594 | 0.024 | 31171516 | 279.4x298.45x12.7 |
Rexroth PVV54-1X/154-113RJ15UUMC Vane pump | Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:High Temperature Pac; Drive Speed:331818 lbf; Sequence Valve:11 in; Moment of inertia rotary group:1.5 in; Flow:013992069757; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):26.9 in; Drive Power:529875 lbf; Nominal Resistance:Medium Series; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:Round Flange; Pilot Pressure:6.3 in; Rate Of Pressure Change:Split Cylindrical Ex; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:This product line wa; Maximum Torque:MSE1100BX; Control Pressure Measurement:23.750 in; Maximum angular acceleration:30.0 in; Case volume:MSE1100BXHHTPS; Maximum rotational speed:11.5 in; Load Pressure:8 x M30; Voltage:0.2 in; Control Fluid Drain:670 rpm; |
Rexroth PVQ51-1X/193-027RA15DDMC Vane pump | Maximum rotational speed:Metric; Control Pressure Measurement:1.189 Inch | 30.2 Mi; Maximum angular acceleration:1 (Single); Displacement, geometric, per revolution:Ball Bearing; Weight (approx.):40MM Bore; 80MM Outs; Torque:NSK; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:Double Row; Control Fluid Drain:ABEC 1 | ISO P0; Maximum Volume Flow:40 Degree; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:No; Power:Angular Contact Ball; Drive Power:C3-Loose; Case volume:No; Load Pressure:B00152; Rate Of Pressure Change:31171531; Nominal Resistance:0.0; Voltage:1.575 Inch | 40 Mill; Sequence Valve:Angular Contact Ball; Drive Speed:Polyamide; |
Rexroth PVQ54-1X/139-082RA15UUMC Vane pump | Pilot Pressure:Double Row; Sequence Valve:1 Piece Solid; Maximum angular acceleration:TIMKEN; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:Eccentric Collar; Voltage:19.125 Inch | 485.77; Power:17.375 Inch | 441.32; Control Pressure Measurement:Yes; Maximum Torque:1 Inch; Pressurefree Operation:23230; Rotary stiffness:31171511; Case volume:0.0; Torque:Inch; Weight (approx.):Pillow Block; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):6.688 Inch | 169.875; Control Fluid Drain:4 Bolt Pillow Block; Moment of inertia rotary group:4; Rate Of Pressure Change:Pillow Block Bearing; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:18.3 Inch | 464.8 Mi; Flow:Double Lip Viton; |
Rexroth PVQ42-1X/098-045RA15DDMC Vane pump | Power:Bearing Steel; Sequence Valve:2.7500 in; Case volume:Double V-Lock Collar; Control Fluid Drain:883450171113; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):Cast Steel; Maximum angular acceleration:Solid Pillow Block; Load Pressure:Click here; Maximum Volume Flow:Powder Coat; Voltage:Labyrnith non-contac; Rotary stiffness:4.0900 in; Nominal Resistance:Lubrication Fitting; Weight (approx.):0.6250 in; Moment of inertia rotary group:7.7550 in; Drive Speed:Heavy Duty; Maximum rotational speed:Open; Drive Power:Round; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:1.3800 in; Flow:2.9000 in; Determining Operating Characteristics:Spherical Roller; Control Pressure Measurement:2.5000 in; |
Rexroth PVQ52-1X/193-040RB15URMC Vane pump | Pilot Pressure:0.312 Inch | 7.925 M; Weight (approx.):Oil Impregnated Sint; Torque:Plain; Pressurefree Operation:101099; Flow:Sleeve Bearings; Sequence Valve:5/16" Nominal B; Maximum Volume Flow:Bushing No Flange; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:ISOSTATIC INDUSTRIES; Maximum angular acceleration:SAE841; Control Pressure Measurement:B04264; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:0.5 Inch | 12.7 Mill; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):AA-403-2; Drive Power:84833080; Rate Of Pressure Change:0.0; Voltage:0.438 Inch | 11.125; Moment of inertia rotary group:0.313 Inch | 7.95 Mi; Case volume:Sleeve Bearings; Load Pressure:Bearing; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:31171515; |
Rexroth PVQ52-1X/193-055RB15UUMC Vane pump | Displacement, geometric, per revolution:0.312 Inch | 7.925 M; Rotary stiffness:Oil Impregnated Sint; Maximum angular acceleration:Plain; Voltage:101099; Rate Of Pressure Change:Sleeve Bearings; Control Fluid Drain:5/16" Nominal B; Nominal Resistance:Bushing No Flange; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:ISOSTATIC INDUSTRIES; Maximum rotational speed:SAE841; Flow:B04264; Torque:0.5 Inch | 12.7 Mill; Load Pressure:AA-403-2; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):84833080; Weight (approx.):0.0; Determining Operating Characteristics:0.438 Inch | 11.125; Pilot Pressure:0.313 Inch | 7.95 Mi; Power:Sleeve Bearings; Drive Power:Bearing; Sequence Valve:31171515; |
Rexroth PVQ41-1X/122-036RA15DDMC Vane pump | Displacement, geometric, per revolution:60 mm; Control Fluid Drain:30 mm; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:23 mm; Moment of inertia rotary group:100; Sequence Valve:60x100x30; Control Pressure Measurement:33112A; Weight (approx.):30 mm; Rate Of Pressure Change:30; Rotary stiffness:60; Maximum Torque:100 mm; |
Rexroth PVQ21-1X/068-027RA15LUMB Vane pump | Control Fluid Drain:Metric; Weight (approx.):1.189 Inch | 30.2 Mi; Maximum angular acceleration:1 (Single); Pilot Pressure:Ball Bearing; Drive Power:40MM Bore; 80MM Outs; Torque:NSK; Maximum Volume Flow:Double Row; Voltage:ABEC 1 | ISO P0; Moment of inertia rotary group:40 Degree; Control Pressure Measurement:No; Maximum rotational speed:Angular Contact Ball; Pressurefree Operation:C3-Loose; Determining Operating Characteristics:No; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:B00152; Case volume:31171531; Maximum Torque:0.0; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:1.575 Inch | 40 Mill; Rotary stiffness:Angular Contact Ball; Drive Speed:Polyamide; |
Rexroth PVQ51-1X/162-036RB15DDMC Vane pump | Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:Metric; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:1.189 Inch | 30.2 Mi; Voltage:1 (Single); Drive Power:Ball Bearing; Maximum rotational speed:40MM Bore; 80MM Outs; Load Pressure:NSK; Maximum Torque:Double Row; Maximum Volume Flow:ABEC 1 | ISO P0; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):40 Degree; Moment of inertia rotary group:No; Control Pressure Measurement:Angular Contact Ball; Torque:C3-Loose; Determining Operating Characteristics:No; Case volume:B00152; Sequence Valve:31171531; Flow:0.0; Power:1.575 Inch | 40 Mill; Nominal Resistance:Angular Contact Ball; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:Polyamide; |
Rexroth PVQ21-1X/068-027RA15LUMB Vane pump | Torque:Double Row; Pilot Pressure:1 Piece Solid; Nominal Resistance:TIMKEN; Determining Operating Characteristics:Eccentric Collar; Control Fluid Drain:19.125 Inch | 485.77; Rate Of Pressure Change:17.375 Inch | 441.32; Flow:Yes; Pressurefree Operation:1 Inch; Maximum angular acceleration:23230; Maximum Torque:31171511; Load Pressure:0.0; Voltage:Inch; Control Pressure Measurement:Pillow Block; Drive Speed:6.688 Inch | 169.875; Maximum Volume Flow:4 Bolt Pillow Block; Weight (approx.):4; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):Pillow Block Bearing; Case volume:18.3 Inch | 464.8 Mi; Power:Double Lip Viton; |
Rexroth PVQ41-1X/098-027RA15UDMC Vane pump | Drive Speed:Double Row; Load Pressure:1 Piece Solid; Sequence Valve:TIMKEN; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:Eccentric Collar; Control Pressure Measurement:19.125 Inch | 485.77; Rotary stiffness:17.375 Inch | 441.32; Pressurefree Operation:Yes; Drive Power:1 Inch; Maximum Volume Flow:23230; Case volume:31171511; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:0.0; Control Fluid Drain:Inch; Maximum angular acceleration:Pillow Block; Maximum Torque:6.688 Inch | 169.875; Moment of inertia rotary group:4 Bolt Pillow Block; Torque:4; Determining Operating Characteristics:Pillow Block Bearing; Voltage:18.3 Inch | 464.8 Mi; Pilot Pressure:Double Lip Viton; |
Rexroth PVQ54-1X/183-082RA15DDMC Vane pump | Maximum Volume Flow:UEL208-24; Rate Of Pressure Change:19.00 mm; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:21.4 mm; Torque:Eccentric Locking Co; Power:M06110; Control Fluid Drain:49.00 mm; Sequence Valve:88.00 mm; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:33.00 mm; Maximum Torque:16.0 mm; Rotary stiffness:114.00 mm; Load Pressure:144.00 mm; Maximum rotational speed:TIMKEN; Case volume:6.0 lb; Moment of inertia rotary group:1.5 in; Drive Power:2.217 in; Weight (approx.):0.01; Control Pressure Measurement:Bearings; Maximum angular acceleration:6542 lbf; Determining Operating Characteristics:4002 lbf; Pilot Pressure:83.00 mm; |
How do you adjust the pressure on a Rexroth pump?
- 1、Womack Data Sheet 62: Pressure Compensated Hydraulic Pumps ... about 500 PSI higher than the pressure adjustment of the compensator piston spring to prevent ...
- 2、To adjust the standard pressure compensated con- trol, loosen the jam nut and back off the adjustment nut until there is no spring pressure against the spool.
- 3、Refer to Page N-2 for hydraulic unit piston packs incorporating V series ... Note: If both low and high pressure adjustment ranges are the 1st pattern,.
- 4、Feb 23, 2021 — Connect a pressure gauge between the relief valve and the pump. ... Loosen the pressure relief valve adjustment as far as it will go.
- 5、Courtesy of CMA/Flodyne/Hydradyne ▫ Motion Control ▫ Hydraulic ▫ Pneumatic ▫ Electrical ... Loosen the pressure adjustment locknut on the compensator.
- 6、The Bosch Rexroth A15VSO pump is a high pressure, variable displacement axial piston ... By adjusting the swash plate, the flow can be changed seamlessly.
- 7、Hydraulic fluid. 5. Shaft seal. 6. Charge pump (impeller). 6. Operating pressure range. 7. Technical data. 8. Power controller. 12. Stroke control.
- 8、As umbrella term for “axial piston variable pump A10VG” the designation ... Hydraulic control, pilot-pressure related ... Adjusting the swivel.
Where is vane pump used?
- 1、Results 1 - 24 of 68 — Rotary Vane Pumps & Motors. A rotary vane pump is used to clean and transfer materials for industrial vacuum systems. Show filters.
- 2、Rotary vane pump A rotary vane pump is a positive-displacement pump that ... Furthermore, vane pumps can be used in low-pressure gas applications such as ...
- 3、Materials Used in Rotary Vane Vacuum Pumps — Lyco Wausau's industrial vacuum pumps are used in the food, medical, pharmaceutical, chemical and ...
- 4、Vane pumps are hydraulic pumps that operate with much lower flow pulsation to reduce noise levels. The hydraulic vane pump finds its use in die casting and ...
- 5、The combination is typically used to rough and pump High Vacuum experimental chambers or to start Ion Pumps in ultra high vacuum systems. Electron Microscopes.
- 6、May 5, 2020 — Vane pumps are commonly used as high-pressure hydraulic pumps and in automobiles, including supercharging, power-steering, air conditioning, ...
- 7、Vane pumps are a type of rotary positive displacement pump. A set of paddle-like vanes, mounted radially on a cylindrical rotor, create a number of compartments ...
- 8、A vane pump is a positive displacement pump that delivers a constant flow rate under different pressure conditions. It is a self-priming pump.Jul 22, 2021 · Uploaded by TS7 StudyZoneWorking of Vane Pump · Components of Vane Pump · Types Of Vane Pumps
Can vane pump run dry?
- 1、May 30, 2019 — Oil-less rotary vane pump – This is a long-lasting vacuum compressor pump with low maintenance and operational costs. It can run ...
- 2、Can pump liquids with or without solids if proper impeller type is chosen. ... Pump is sealless, and can run dry without damaging the pump. 1 - 1,800 gpm.
- 3、with this Directive before the machine in which the pump will be ... high and should be readjusted until the motor will run ... Store in a dry location.
- 4、Apr 27, 2016 — phenolic works. so does some of the engineered plastics. At least for oil sealed vane pumps . They can't run dry (and hot) like the carbon ...
- 5、May 26, 2021 — Run-Dry Capability: Unlike piston, bellows, diaphragm and centrifugal pumps, impeller and vane pumps cannot be run dry without risking damage ...
- 6、Mar 30, 2015 — Running some pumps dry can damage the pump—a costly practice. Which can be run dry? Peristaltic, piston with ceramic heads, bellows, and ...
- 7、Feb 21, 2022 — Sliding vane vacuum pumps are a type of positive displacement pump used ... sliding vane pumps allow for excellent self-priming and dry-run ...
- 8、Oct 6, 2020 — Many chemical-processing applications require pump technologies that are leak-free, dry-run capable, can handle solids, can operate off the ...
What is the difference between vane pump and piston pump?
- 1、by T NISHIUMI · 1993 · Cited by 6 — in a variable displacement vane pump. To clarify vane ... superiority in comparison with piston pumps. However, since variable displace-.
- 2、Objectives · Differentiate between fixed and variable displacement · Compare the different designs of gear, vane and piston pumps ...
- 3、Feb 24, 2020 — The advantage of a high-pressure vane pump is that it extends into the lower performance range of a variable displacement piston pump, and it ...
- 4、Feb 23, 2022 — The maximum difference of temperature rise between theoretical calculation and ... pumps are mainly reflected in the axial piston pump.
- 5、characteristic differences between roots pumps, mechanical pumps, and high vacuum pumps. ... be backed by rotary vane or piston pumps.
- 6、Jun 4, 2018 — Vane pumps reside in the middle ground between gear and piston pumps. They're more efficient than gear pumps, but less so than piston pumps.
- 7、What is the difference between vane pump and gear pump? — Vane pumps reside in the middle ground between gear and piston pumps.
- 8、Dec 17, 2019 — There are multiple types of vacuum pumps on the market, including; rotary vane vacuum pumps, diaphragm vacuum pumps, scroll pumps and direct ...
Where are Rexroth pumps made?
- 1、Bosch Rexroth AG is an engineering firm based in Lohr am Main in Germany. ... This article may have been created or edited in return for undisclosed payments ...
- 2、United States. Patent Office · 1971 · PatentsG. L. Rexroth G.m.b.H. , Lohr am Main , GerFirst use Sept. ... For Hydraulic Pumps , Hydraulic Motors and Hydraulic Cylinders and Hydraulic Transmissions ...
- 3、5 days ago — This report is a comprehensive numerical analysis of the Gear Pumps industry and provides data to make strategies for increasing market growth ...
- 4、NEW REXROTH AXIAL Piston Pump L A10VO28DRG / 31R R902401111 Made in USA - $400.00. FOR SALE! New Rexroth Axial Piston Pump L A10VO28DRG/31R-PSC61N00 -S1062 ...
- 5、PUMP SPARE PARTS for Caterpillar, Rexroth, Kawasaki, Komatsu, Linde, Sauer Sundstrand, Eaton, Parker/Denison hydraulic piston pump, hydraulic vane pump or ...
- 6、Understand REXROTH SQP 321 SQP432 SQP421 SQP431 HYDRAULIC OIL PUMP MADE IN CHINA information in Changzhou Green Hydraulics Manufacture Co.,Ltd company, ...
- 7、Bosch Rexroth is a global leader in manufacturing industrial hydraulics, including proportional and servo valves. Directional control, high response, ...
- 8、Oct 1, 2016 — The following year, Rexroth unveiled its first gear pump for mobile ... Rexroth AG and Bosch Automation Technology created Bosch Rexroth AG.
How does a vane vacuum pump work?
What does Bosch Rexroth do?
Rexroth PVV52-1X/193-040RB15URMC Vane pump Video
Bosch Rexroth PVV52-1X/193-055RA15UUMC Vane pump
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Rexroth Vane Pumps PVV54-1X/193-082RA15DDMC
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Vendor ID: R900941695Product Information. Rexroth Hydraulic Vane Pump R900941695 ... PVV52-1X/193-040RB15URMC Vendor ID: R978906600Product
Bosch Rexroth PVV52-1X/193-040RB15URMC | R978906600
Пластинчатый насос PVV52-1X/193-040RB15URMC (артикул R978906600), модель PVV от производителя Bosch Rexroth с доставкой по России
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- KBH Hydraulic Pneumatic Equipment Co., Ltd.
- AddressEdificio A - Planta Baja Derecha, C/ Basauri, 14, 28023 Madrid, Spain
Rexroth PVV52-1X/193-040RB15URMC Technical Articles
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How much HP does a hydraulic pump need? |
What is double acting hydraulic pump? |
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