Home>Products>Danfoss Shut-off valves>Danfoss Shut-off valves 148B4624 STC 20 A STR SHUT-OFF VALVE CAP
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Danfoss Shut-off valves 148B4624 STC 20 A STR SHUT-OFF VALVE CAP
Danfoss Shut-off valves
Danfoss Shut-off valves 148B4624 STC 20 A SPECIFICATIONS
Danfoss Shut-off valves 148B4624 STC 20 A STR SHUT-OFF VALVE CAP, Units and 815 kN Fatigue load limit Pu Housings CAD models , Danfoss Shut-off valves KBH Hydraulic Pneumatic Equipment Co., Ltd. Manufacturing Service . Get Your Free.
- Danfoss Shut-off valves
148B4624 STC 20 A
- 21313V
- 36 mm
- 122 mm
- 2,94
- Steel
- Contact with Flinger
- 1080 lbf
KBH Hydraulic Pneumatic Equipment Co., Ltd.2020-07-10 09:46:19
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Danfoss Shut-off valves 148B4624 STC 20 A STR SHUT-OFF VALVE CAPCodes and sizes
- Lubrication Fitting
- Yes
- Insert
- 0.23
- http://www.timken.co
- Single Row | Angular
- 7.2500 in
- Cartridge
- 4 Bolt Square Flange
- 31171531
- 3 (1 Triplex Set)
- 122 mm
- Standard Duty
- 2,75 Kg
- 5.2500 in
- 3-5/8 in
- Cartridge
Danfoss Shut-off valves 148B4624 STC 20 A Danfoss Shut-off valves 148B4624 STC 20 A STR SHUT-OFF VALVE CAPCode system
Danfoss Shut-off valves 148B4624 STC 20 A STR SHUT-OFF VALVE CAP##Parts Table 1## | ||||||||
Seal Kits | 450 | 0145899 | 50.8 mm | 39,688 | ||||
Disc Springs | 6.69 kg | 50 mm | 50.8 mm | 92 mm | ||||
Coil Spring | 0.68 | N/A | 1.575 Inch | 40 Millimeter | 0.0 | ||||
Barrel Washer | 24.97 | N/A | 3.15 Inch | 80 Millimeter | 0.0 | ||||
Swash Plate Assy | 0.617 | N/A | 8 Days | 0.0 | ||||
Bearing Plate | 1.975 | N/A | 72,800 | 0.0 | ||||
Cylinder | 53,000 | 3.75 Inch | 95.25 Millimeter | 2 Bolt Flange Block; 40MM Bore; 144MM Bolt Circle; 144MM Bolt Spacing; 1 Piece Solid; Set Screw Mount; Polymer; Ball Bearing; 42.87MM Length Thru Bore; Relubricatable; Single Lip Contact Seals | 1045 Carbon Steel | ||||
Back Plate | Yes | 6.69 kg | Brown | Pass at 140 °C | ||||
Central Shaft | 44.8 kN | 25,5 mm | 40 mm | 72,800 | ||||
Ball Guides | Brown | 8483.20.40.40 | M6x1 | No Pilot |
Danfoss Shut-off valves 148B4638 STC 100 A STR SHUT-OFF VALVE CAP | Pilot Pressure:M06110; Determining Operating Characteristics:4.69; Case volume:0.0; Torque:Bearings; Maximum angular acceleration:NTN; Pressurefree Operation:N/A; |
Danfoss Shut-off valves 148B4635 STC 65 A STR SHUT-OFF VALVE HANDWHEEL | Sequence Valve:0,22; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:22217EXK; Moment of inertia rotary group:4300 r/min; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):36 mm; Voltage:2,94; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:85 mm; Pressurefree Operation:150; Control Pressure Measurement:2,75 Kg; Maximum angular acceleration:3400 r/min; Rotary stiffness:36; Maximum Volume Flow:150 mm; Determining Operating Characteristics:3,01; Pilot Pressure:320 kN; Maximum Torque:2 mm; Drive Speed:85x150x36; Torque:85; Rate Of Pressure Change:355 kN; Maximum rotational speed:36 mm; |
Danfoss Shut-off valves 148B4641 STC 125 A STR SHUT-OFF VALVE HANDWHEEL | Power:21313V; Control Fluid Drain:65,000 mm; Rate Of Pressure Change:65x140x33; Pilot Pressure:33,000 mm; Drive Speed:65,000; Weight (approx.):140,000 mm; Moment of inertia rotary group:140,000; Maximum Torque:33,000; |
Danfoss Shut-off valves 148B4640 STC 125 A STR SHUT-OFF VALVE CAP | Maximum angular acceleration:4 Bolt Pillow Block; Moment of inertia rotary group:1 Piece Solid; Drive Power:Yes; Determining Operating Characteristics:4.63 Inch | 117.602; Maximum Torque:31171511; Control Fluid Drain:3/4 Inch; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:49; Pressurefree Operation:10.3 Inch | 260.5 Mi; Flow:Cast Steel; Load Pressure:0.0; Rotary stiffness:Double Lip Viton; Pilot Pressure:Pillow Block Bearing; Maximum Volume Flow:M06288; Weight (approx.):8483.20.40.80; Nominal Resistance:Inch; Torque:4 Bolt Pillow Block;; Power:Pillow Block; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:N/A; Case volume:11.25 Inch | 285.75M; |
Danfoss Shut-off valves 148B4636 STC 80 A STR SHUT-OFF VALVE CAP | Nominal Resistance:M06110; Maximum Volume Flow:4.69; Flow:0.0; Maximum rotational speed:Bearings; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:NTN; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:N/A; |
Danfoss Shut-off valves 148B4637 STC 80 A STR SHUT-OFF VALVE HANDWHEEL | Pressurefree Operation:Set Screw; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):8.5000 in; Load Pressure:Round; Drive Power:Contact with Flinger; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:Cast Iron; Voltage:0.866 in; Weight (approx.):1080 lbf; Sequence Valve:Lubrication Fitting; Pilot Pressure:UC211-32C4HR23; Maximum Volume Flow:2150 lbf; Determining Operating Characteristics:Two-Bolt Flange; Drive Speed:UCFT200C4HR23; Nominal Resistance:7.2500 in; Maximum angular acceleration:Standard Duty; Control Fluid Drain:2.0000 in; |
Danfoss Shut-off valves 148B4634 STC 65 A STR SHUT-OFF VALVE CAP | Nominal Resistance:Set Screw; Control Fluid Drain:8.5000 in; Flow:Round; Power:Contact with Flinger; Weight (approx.):Cast Iron; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:0.866 in; Maximum Torque:1080 lbf; Determining Operating Characteristics:Lubrication Fitting; Drive Power:UC211-32C4HR23; Rate Of Pressure Change:2150 lbf; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:Two-Bolt Flange; Maximum angular acceleration:UCFT200C4HR23; Maximum Volume Flow:7.2500 in; Pressurefree Operation:Standard Duty; Torque:2.0000 in; |
Danfoss Shut-off valves 148B4642 STC 150 A STR SHUT-OFF VALVE CAP | Displacement, geometric, per revolution:UC208-24C4HR23; Load Pressure:6590 lbf; Rate Of Pressure Change:Round; Sequence Valve:3/8; Control Pressure Measurement:Set Screw; Torque:5.2500 in; Moment of inertia rotary group:1.937 in; Nominal Resistance:UCFCS200C4HR23; Control Fluid Drain:1.543 in; Weight (approx.):3-5/8 in; Pilot Pressure:1.5000 in; Flow:Standard Duty; Maximum angular acceleration:Contact with Flinger; Maximum Torque:Cast Iron; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:Four-Bolt Piloted; Power:4020 lbf; Maximum Volume Flow:4.3750 in; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):Lubrication Fitting; |
Danfoss Shut-off valves 148B4643 STC 150 A STR SHUT-OFF VALVE HANDWHEEL | Sequence Valve:Bearing; Maximum Volume Flow:Double Row | Single; Case volume:3.15 Inch | 80 Milli; Control Pressure Measurement:35; Moment of inertia rotary group:4; Rate Of Pressure Change:Triple Lip Viton; Determining Operating Characteristics:6.72 Inch | 170.7 Mi; Drive Speed:15.89; Pilot Pressure:1 Piece Solid; Rotary stiffness:Flange Block Bearing; Nominal Resistance:M06288; Power:Flange Block; Maximum angular acceleration:8483.20.40.80; Load Pressure:Non-expansion; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:4 Bolt Square Flange; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:9.5 Inch | 241 Milli; Torque:Yes; Drive Power:7.375 Inch | 187.32; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):With Pilot; Voltage:Flanged; |
Danfoss Shut-off valves 148B4639 STC 100 A STR SHUT-OFF VALVE HANDWHEEL | Control Pressure Measurement:4 Bolt Pillow Block; Maximum Torque:1 Piece Solid; Case volume:Yes; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:4.63 Inch | 117.602; Control Fluid Drain:31171511; Voltage:3/4 Inch; Determining Operating Characteristics:49; Sequence Valve:10.3 Inch | 260.5 Mi; Maximum rotational speed:Cast Steel; Power:0.0; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):Double Lip Viton; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:Pillow Block Bearing; Maximum Volume Flow:M06288; Pressurefree Operation:8483.20.40.80; Torque:Inch; Rate Of Pressure Change:4 Bolt Pillow Block;; Drive Speed:Pillow Block; Drive Power:N/A; Moment of inertia rotary group:11.25 Inch | 285.75M; |
Danfoss Shut-off valves 148B4633 STC 50 A STR SHUT-OFF VALVE HANDWHEEL | Drive Power:Set Screw; Rotary stiffness:8.5000 in; Maximum rotational speed:Round; Maximum Torque:Contact with Flinger; Control Pressure Measurement:Cast Iron; Pilot Pressure:0.866 in; Case volume:1080 lbf; Maximum Volume Flow:Lubrication Fitting; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):UC211-32C4HR23; Control Fluid Drain:2150 lbf; Pressurefree Operation:Two-Bolt Flange; Flow:UCFT200C4HR23; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:7.2500 in; Power:Standard Duty; Nominal Resistance:2.0000 in; |
Danfoss Shut-off valves 148B4632 STC 50 A STR SHUT-OFF VALVE CAP | Load Pressure:Single Row | Angular; Rate Of Pressure Change:TIMKEN; Voltage:Bearing; Control Pressure Measurement:1.891; Moment of inertia rotary group:8482.10.50.28; Maximum Torque:N/A; Maximum Volume Flow:B04270; Flow:Steel; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):Ball Bearing; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:Precision Ball Beari; Sequence Valve:Angular Contact Ball; Maximum rotational speed:Precision Ball Beari; Pilot Pressure:3 (1 Triplex Set); Pressurefree Operation:2.756 Inch | 70 Mill; Weight (approx.):Open; Determining Operating Characteristics:31171531; Torque:Triplex-Universal; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:2.362 Inch | 60 Mill; Drive Speed:4.17; |
Which type of hand operated valves are used in the refrigerant plant?
How do you check a off valve?
How do you tell if a valve is open or closed?
- 1、To determine if a sprinkler system can adequately protect a property, ... Indicating valves physically show whether a valve is open or closed.
- 2、Oct 29, 2020 — But if your system's main control valve is located underground, ... main valves, it is both difficult to know whether they are in an open or ...
- 3、Apr 6, 2020 — When the handle of a ball valve is parallel to the valve or pipe, it's open. When it's perpendicular, it's closed. This makes it easy know ...
- 4、How to tell if a gate valve is open or closed? In rising stem gate valves, the stem position tells whether a gate valve is open (outside of the valve body) or ...
- 5、6 days ago — How Do You Tell If A Engine Valve Is Open Or Closed? ... On the top, if it is parallel to the valve, the nut is opened. It also closes the valve ...
- 6、Every engine has intake and exhaust valves. Valves open to intake fuel or expel exhaust. They close when their cycle completes. Valve stems sit in long ...
- 7、Manually Opening and Closing Above Ground Valves ... Notify the Measurement or Maintenance Supervisor if it is determined that the valve is leaking.
- 8、Dec 13, 2019 — The drum of a gas dryer will turn, but the dryer will not heat if the gas shutoff valve is closed. Open the gas shutoff valve in the supply ...
What are shut off valves?
Why are valves used on refrigeration systems?
What is a ball valve refrigeration?
What is the other name for the shut off valves?
- 1、Cut-off valve definition: a valve that terminates the flow of fluid in a system | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples.
- 2、On-and-off device — shutoff · stopper ; spout · nozzle ; outlet · bibcock ; switch · spile ; vent · standpipe.
- 3、Nov 26, 2018 — Much as its name suggests, the meter valve shuts off the water at the meter ... the meter, and is used in a number of different situations.
- 4、Jul 3, 2018 — Shut off / Stop Valve - Types Explained · Ball Valves · Gate Valve · Globe Valve · Angled/Straight Valve.
- 5、Jan 19, 2022 — Ball Valve · Gate Valve · Globe Valve · Angled Fixture Shut-Off Valve · Straight Fixture Shutoff Valve · Stop-and-Waste Valve · Needle Valve.
- 6、Translation for 'shut-off valve ' in the free English-Spanish dictionary and many other Spanish translations.
- 7、There are 1282 other synonyms or words related to blow-off valve listed above. Note that due to the nature of the algorithm, some results returned by your query ...
- 8、In Murphy, Texas and other DFW suburbs, the main water shut-off valves are ... have your favorite plumber's name and phone number near the shut-off valve.
What type of shut off valves are commonly used in refrigeration?
- 1、Dec 14, 2019 — It is not recommended to use a self piercing type or a 3/16" saddle valve, both of which clog easily. NOTE: Your refrigerator dealer has a kit ...
- 2、The connections used should be compatible with the type of pipe used. ... Globe, gate, and ball valves are common shutoff valves. Gate and ball valves cause ...
- 3、The water line connected to the refrigerator should have its own shut-off valve connected to the cold water supply line in the home. The shut-off valve is ...
- 4、KP pressure switches are for use in refrigeration and air conditioning ... and air conditioning systems with ammonia (R717) and other common types of ...
- 5、No mandatory limit is placed on how much propane refrigerant can be used in a ... the discharge port on the valve must be directed to a safe place, away ...
- 6、Using shut-off valves is much safer than allowing refrigerant to blow out during ... These valves may be used to add shut-off valves to recycling equipment, ...
- 7、A basic valve type distributed liberally throughout an industrial refrigeration system is a manual shutoff valve. In the completely open position, ...
- 8、This is principally due to a lack of information on how and why three-way mixing and diverting valves differ from each other and how each type may be used.
Danfoss Shut-off valves 148B4624 STC 20 A STR SHUT-OFF VALVE CAP Video
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- KBH Hydraulic Pneumatic Equipment Co., Ltd.
- AddressEdificio A - Planta Baja Derecha, C/ Basauri, 14, 28023 Madrid, Spain
Danfoss Shut-off valves 148B4624 STC 20 A Technical Articles
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What is double acting hydraulic pump? |
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